(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Felix Garcia has defeated the embattled Andy Berg (D) in the 10th County Board District, a recount has found. On April, 2, 2024, newcomer, Felix Garcia, defeated Berg in the Spring election. Since the vote was so close, Berg requested a recount that occurred this morning at the Kenosha County Center in Bristol, WI. “I’m so relieved,” said Garcia. “I want to thank the voters for choosing me to represent them. I also want to thank God and Jesus Christ.”

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Garcia, a security contractor, is married to his wife Natalia and has two boys, one and three. The Garcia family also have two Italian Mastiffs, a boy named Boaz and a girl named Ruth. Garcia’s mother Rebecca was also present at the recount Friday morning. KCE got a chance to speak with Garcia’s mother and wife Friday afternoon following the results of the recount. “My son Felix is respectful, honest and very loving,” said Rebecca Castañuela Tourville. “I am so proud of this big accomplishment.” Garcia’s wife echoed her mother-in-laws feelings, “Felix has impeccable integrity. He is so hard-working and a great father and husband.”
Garcia ran a very clean campaign for the entirety of the election. His opponent, Andy Berg was riddled with controversy and scandals, but still, Garcia focused on himself and his vision for Kenosha. “I campaigned on transparency and I plan to stay very engaged with my community, both on social media and personally, out in the neighborhoods. I want to seek input from my neighbors. Some of my priorities will be mental health treatment for our residents and Sheriff’s Deputies, who have tough and dangerous jobs.”

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Also present for today’s recount was local criminal defense and family attorney Xavier Solis, the previous Chairman of the County’s Racial Ethnic Equity Commission. Solis stood watch for the four-hour recount as votes were being counted by hand. “I really want to thank Xavier for helping me through the recount process,” said Garcia. “I’m new to politics, so I asked for his help and he agreed to represent me pro-bono. This process restored my faith in the local election process. The clerks and other election officials are running efficient and ethical elections here in Kenosha County.”

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kenosha County Clerk Regi Waligora echoed Garcia’s sentiment. “I have great confidence in the steps we take to count the votes and with the entire process,” said Waligora. Waligora told KCE that the fact the vote totals on election night, at the board of canvassers and today’s recount all being identical, is a testament to the just how well the process works.

(Photos by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photos by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Berg was represented today by Attorney William Sulton. Many supporters were also present to support Berg, hoping for the recount to reverse Berg’s loss. County Board Chairman Gabe Nudo (D), ousted County Board Member Brian Bashaw (D), Alderman Rollin Pizzala (D), and others were hoping for a counting error. Nudo was there to whip votes for an unprecedented, and unlikely second term as Chairman. Nudo has missed many meetings in the last year due to serious health concerns.

(Photos by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photos by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photos by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
April 2, 2024 was Berg’s third election loss. He lost an Alderman race in 2012, a bid for Kenosha County Sheriff in 2018, and this election. Berg, however, did obtain a seat on the county board for four terms – 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2022. All four election, Berg ran unopposed, meaning that Berg has never defeated anyone in a an election.
Tumultuous Time On The County Board
Berg’s short time on the County board was plagued with scandal after scandal. The ousted politician might find himself in hot water – very soon. He is under investigations for several alleged acts of misconduct. After many months, Berg has finally lawyered up.
Alleged Embezzlement From Charity “Garden of Eatin“
On January 23, 2024, we told you that Beg was alleged to have embezzled tens of thousands of dollars from his charity called “Garden of Eatin.” According to reports, The Kenosha Police, Wisconsin DCI, and the FBI are investigating many questionable purchases. According to bank statements in the possession of KCE and law enforcement going back to about late 2021, Berg seemed to lavishly spend a large amount of money from a Chase checking account:
Brand New Tires For Berg’s Truck – $1,489.54
White Sox Game Spending with Berg’s Family – $232.74
Vacations/Entertainment/Cash Withdrawals – $7,134.27
Personal Cell Phone Bills – $1,418.12
WE-Energies – Gas/Electric/Cable For Berg’s Home – $1,639.09
Seemingly Personal Loan Payments – $1,628.83
Fuel and Retail Purchases – $3,151.60
Fuel/Tractor/Trailer/Repair $13,385.20
Online License Plate Search Fees To Attack Political Enemies and Violate DPPA – $100.85
Restaurants – $631.48
Real Estate License Annual Fee For Berg’s Real Estate Job – $114
Lego Store – $47.45
Haircut, Pedicure, Manicure – $108.75
UW Systems College Application Fee For Daughter – $56
(These are estimates based on debit card statements.)

Amature Pornography Scandal
We told you on December 31, 2023 that Berg was discovered to be producing homosexual porn as “Sergeant Hard.” Berg is a Sergeant with the Wisconsin Department of Corrections and modeled his screen name after his state employment. Berg would perform sex acts for men and women, sometimes while wearing women’s clothing without their permission. “You tell me what you want and lets see what we can do. Open to new things. Want me in my wife’s bra and panties? Nipple clamps? Cock ring. My wifes outfits! Spankin.”
Also according to the now-deleted profile, “SergeantHard” is a bi-sexual with a “big” penis. His services include bondage, discipline, dominance, submission, sadomasochism, feet, underwear, deepthroat, and gagging. He has 40 reviews on the site. They say “beautiful sex man,” “this hot sexy daddy is amazing!!!”, “Miss your face,” “the best” and “Sergeant is 5 star entertainment.” The profile also contained numerous photos of Berg’s nipples.

Illegal Distribution Of Taxpayer Funded Materials For Campaign
Complaints were filed with the Kenosha County District Attorney’s Office and the Wisconsin Ethics Commission because Berg handed out approximately 874 maps and business cards to potential voters during this election cycle.
Use Of Government Materials By Candidate
According to Wisconsin State Statute, section 11.1205, candidates who are running for re-election, may not use public funds for the cost of materials or distribution for 50 or more pieces of substantially identical materials distributed after the first day authorized by law for circulation of nomination papers as a candidate.
This means Berg handed out about 774 too many taxpayer funded items. The WEC said in a statement “Commission staff has conducted a preliminary review of your complaint as required by Wis. Admin. Code ETH 21.03(2) and determined that your complaint is sufficient to proceed to consideration by the Commission.” Kenosha District Attorney Mike Graveley (D) appointed a special prosecutor, Deputy District Attorney Kent Lovern of the Milwaukee County District Attorney’s office, to decide on what, if any charges will be brought.

KCE made a public records request to Berg to inspect one or more of the maps and business cards that he has in his possession. He admitted he had at least 872 but denied our request to inspect them physically. KCE successfully sued Berg, obtaining a judgement yesterday in Kenosha County Circuit Court.

Under State Statute, Garcia should be sworn in Tuesday with his colleagues. However, Berg is declining to sign a waiver saying he won’t take this issue to court, so Garcia will have to be sworn in later in the week. “[Berg’s decision to be petty] makes me feel like an outcast, but it doesn’t change the outcome. My family will be there to support me whichever day I’m sworn in,” said Garcia.
Opponents of Berg have called his move to bar Garcia from being sworn in Tuesday “petty” and “sour grapes.” KCE asked Berg why he is refusing to sign the waiver and let Garcia be sworn in at his first meeting. Berg refused to comment.
Here are some photos taken by KCE at the recount:

(Photos by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photos by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photos by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photos by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photos by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photos by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photos by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photos by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photos by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photos by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photos by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
40 Responses
I wish we.could have gotten a.recount on Carl Coulson and.Pollocoff! 81 votes off and 1.81%! Such a bummer! Look Pleasant Praire! Steinbrink is next! Someone step it up!!! I think.we.should.change.our clerk to be voted in instead of appointed as.well!
Congratulations Supervisor Garcia & District 10!
Why is Raymond Roberts saying your family is losing everything? You being sued?
Raymond is a delusional fool
They’re all insane
He also said my kids were suicide bombers. He also said I was conspiring to kidnap the governor. He also said I was trying to kill military vets. A jury concluded he lied. If you believe anything he says, you’re naive.
Alternative headline: “51% of voters in the 10th aren’t morons.”
Andy Berg needs to go to jail for stealing giving people’s money
DA Gravely what are you doing about it??? The people elected you to protect us from people like him.
Well that’s how it’s supposed to be but there are people with noses like Berg that fund the campaigns of many DAs that make safe havens for people like Berg and people with really high melanin levels. Everyone gets their marching orders.
Sgt. Hard just took it in the ass. Hard!
More like Captain Soft right now
The fact that the recount confirmed spot on the original result was also a victory for our local election administration.
Personally, I don’t like touch screen voting. At least with paper ballots we have a backup record.
I think all ballots should be hand counted!
It’s HARD to win elections these days!
He’ll have to find a new scam to make up for this lost revenue. Paying for your own truck tires and baseball tickets gets expensive.
Apparently Berg took it HARD
HARD times for Berg
This makes me hard
I’m happy you rewrote the story to add more about the winner of the election. The loser has had more than his 15 minutes.
Hopefully Supervisor Garcia will do a good enough job to fend off a future challenge from the loser whose name I’m not mentioning. Hard as it may be to avoid it he just needs to ride off into the sunset.
This is why I’m not in politics….all of those people look like shit.
I’ll bet this s a hard one for Berg to swallow.
To be fair, I think he is good at swallowing
New comment of the year.
He did say one of his specialties is Deep Throat 🤷♀️
Oh My Goodness Kevin!!! Yuck!🤮
He shouldn’t take it too Sgt Hard.
He is probably more suited for the school board anyway.
Imagine being his kids and everyone knowing your dad does sex acts to men and women. Great parenting
Imagine the number of people who voted for this assclown
Its HARD to believe that the good people of the 10th district rejected Andy HARD. Andy has preformed in various ways to show the people why he is the cream of the crop of the Kenosha Democratic Party. With the host of Dems in tow at the recount people should make note of who they were, due to they all have the same mind set. But then socialist for the most part have no moral compass This is a HARD fact demonstrated countless times by the good Sergeant and his Democratic Socialist friends. After a couple of years of bending the people of Kenosha County over, although I sure he prefers it the other way around, KARMA has done its job !
So glad to see that SGT Limp-berg took a Hard Loss.
Here’s his chance to become the next Kenosha artist to paint his way into his fame. While towing the democrat party line until his 4th wife divorces him.
With just over 600 total votes for both candidates , the level of apathy is astonishing . Good bye Mr. Berg . By the bye , I thought Gabe Nudo was a Republican .
Very few people who consider themselves Republican in Kenosha, are *ACTUALLY* Republican.
Keep on winning MAGA!!!
And bergs page has switched to trolling and attention. What garbage. And Roberts has a nice post about kevin
Sergeant Hard will soon be Private Peter.
Only downfall is now he has to deal with berg and his Facebook page talking shit about him the whole way. His page now is full of hypocrisy since he lost and just posts to troll. Kinda embarrassing if ya ask me. Them poor kids he “raises”
Hypocrites is right! Hes on his page calling out Erin decker (who clapped back at him and he’s silent) about ignoring a veteran. ANDY WASNT IT YOU DISRESPECTED A VET AND POSTED HIM ON YOUR PAGE!!! You fucken hypocrite