Parishes To Host International Speaker And Author, Jason Evert

Jason Evert – Christian Author and Speaker
(Submitted Photo)

KENOSHA, Wis. – The Downtown Kenosha Catholic (DTKC) parishes of St. Elizabeth and St. James the Apostle will host international speaker Jason Evert, bringing parents and teens together for a double-feature presentation. The ticketed evening event will be held in the DTKC Auditorium, 714 49th St., on Thursday, May 2.

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When it comes to talking about healthy relationships, marriage, and gender identity – coupled with an acceleration of addiction to pornography – families are looking for answers. Evert has spoken to more than one million people about the virtue of chastity and specializes in discussing difficult, sensitive issues in a family-friendly environment.

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The first talk, “Purified”, begins at 6 p.m. and offers practical advice for navigating the challenges of love, dating, and relationships.

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At 7:45 p.m., he is scheduled to begin his second talk, “Gender & the Theology of Your Body”, which unpacks how identity as male or female can offer clarity in confusing secular times.

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Evert is known to tackle uncomfortable subject matter by employing relatable anecdotes, raw data, and appropriate comedic relief. Numerous topics are expected to be discussed, including dating, marriage, STDs, and pornography geared toward an intended audience of adults, parents, and teens (ages 13 and older).

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Jason Evert – Christian Author and Speaker
(Submitted Photo)

It is crucial that kids and parents both attend together to hear the same consistent message, contends Evert. He says that parents underestimate their influence on their children.

“They did a survey of teenagers here in the United States and asked them, ‘What is the number one factor that shapes your sexual behavior?’ And believe it or not, the number one reply was, ‘My parents and what they brought me up to believe,’” said Evert.

Included with the price of admission, families will also leave the event with individual resource packs. These are customized for the specific needs of parents, young men, and women with the hopes of equipping families to navigate inevitable subsequent conversations at home.

“We need to make sure that we’re giving them more than what they ‘can’t do.’ We need to teach them principles of courtship and how to find and build and maintain relationships of lasting love,” said Evert.

A best-selling author of more than ten books, Evert also is the founder of Totus Tuus Press and the Chastity Project. A frequent guest on radio and television programs, he has been featured on Fox News, the BBC, MSNBC, and EWTN.

The event costs $25 per person. Tickets may be purchased from the DTKC website ( or by contacting Jesse Gomez ( / 262-657-1156 ext. 3).

About Downtown Kenosha Catholic
Downtown Kenosha Catholic (DTKC), which is a subsidiary of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, is comprised of the historic Catholic parishes of St. Elizabeth and St. James and the Catholic cemeteries of St. Casimir, St. George, St. James, and St. Mark. For more information, visit the DTKC website at

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8 Responses

  1. Catholics need to get back to their roots —- MEDIEVAL ROOTS—— floggings for perverts like Christian Enwright , Spanish Inquisition style

    1. That would b awesome— a nice speech or whatever by this guy ….. then the lights dim…. Candles are lit ….. and then a medieval public flogging!

  2. Judging by some of the “characters” being outed at KUSD, this man needs to speak at their next union meeting.

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