It’s going to be cold tomorrow. Per KUSD:
KUSD will be closed Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025, due to the extreme cold warning in place.
If you, or someone you know, needs a place to stay, please see this list of warming shelters in our area: https://www.kenoshacounty.org/2093/Designated-Winter-Warming-Centers
Thank you,
65 Responses
Here come all the boomers complaining.
I’m a millennial and think this is BS.
Shut up
No thanks 😂
You are the only one doing any complaining so far.
Cry me a river bitch
Uphill both ways , yada yada !!
Millennials are reaching over 30 dumbass… we also pay bills
This world has gone soft.
Yeah, fuck frostbite and deadly low body temps. Get out there kids… while your lazy parents who won’t drive you to school stay warm at home. Little Jimmy doesn’t need those three fingers… he’ll be fine.
Lmao another softie!
That’s the problem, little Jimmys parents are lazy a-holes.
Lazy and soft. Beta male 😉
That or in the days of boomers you didn’t need two working parents.
Bring back homemakers!
I only need 1 . 🖕
tell us how tough you are
I don’t have to, just getting off my ass to work says it for me 😉
I agree with this decision. No need to put anybody at risk. I told my employees to use their judgement for their own safety.
While I am healthy and consider myself athletic I slipped and fell yesterday hitting my head. Fortunately I could get up.
Thanks for the information Kevin .
Global warming strikes again !
Trumps fault
They want $19
Million. lol work then
Yeah, fuck frostbite and deadly low body temps. Get out there kids… while your lazy parents who won’t drive you to school stay warm at home. Little Jimmy doesn’t need those three fingers… he’ll be fine.
You already said that, snowflake.
moron-kids can walk to school- it is good for them
This is too cold to
Expect kids to walk/stand at a bus stop. KUSD/teachers work the same amount of days regardless, this isn’t a “freebie”. This is looking out for kids safety.
Dress for it. This is wisconsin
How many times have you seen school called because of snow or cold only to then see kids out “in” the snow going sledding that same day ?
This call is because of the extreme wind chills.
Some parents on a day like this will still send their child out to the bus stop with thin coats, no gloves and no hats. Because parents have become STUPID !! And then go to work and lock the house.
Additionally there have been instances in the past where a school bus guts stuck or is late because it didn’t start or some other reason it gets delayed.
So to allow for and cover for STUPID PARENTS, schools and the bus companies have come to an agreement that calls off school when temperatures and wind chills become dangerous for the ill equipped child because of the STUPID PARENTS !!
This is all about child safety because
I used to walk 5 miles to school, up hill, both ways when it was twenty below zero.
Oh yeah, in the dark too !!
Interesting thought process, because parents are stupid, will close the schools to see if we can make the stupid parents kids more ignorant.
…the school has extra “off/close” days in the school calendar ready for when weather creates dangerous conditions that children who take the bus will be out in the elements standing waiting.
And that is because some parents just don’t care or understand about the cold.
Yes it’s that simple. People are less aware and hardy than they were 40 & 50 years ago.
Teachers or children don’t lose time in school. State law requires minimum time regardless of when it happens.
If you can explain why us Boomers were more hardy back then then children are now you have answered these questions.
For sure!
I’d hate to admit it, but you are right. I know my kids would be fine, plenty of layers and good snow pants, face mask, heavy socks… Also way less kids qualify for buses now. Many parents have cars that won’t start.
To my family this is an inconvenience. Both parents work hard, teach our kids how to handle nature like this, but its not just about my family. Thankfully We’ve prepped some schoolwork for the little ones. Have good friends that will help take care of the kids.
As for the sentiment that some parents are stupid? Well when it comes to weather that seems to be the case. Can’t tell you how many times I see parents dropping off kids in jackets that are probably rated for 50-60 degrees and plain dollar store cotton mittens. Some parents can’t afford heavy winter clothing. We deck our kids out in pretty heavy stuff that I purchase off season or thrift. Facebook marketplace and church sales are a great resource for heavier stuff.
Here’s my back in the day moment: My elementary school used to have assemblies teaching proper winter wear. You didn’t have to be a scout to know how to survive the weather.
The winters were worse too.
The roads are fine, I personally think this was not a good use of a snow day, especially on an already shortened week.
It’s a tough call. I’m not sure it was the right one. I’m glad i don’t have to make these decisions. My instant reaction is to tell everyone to toughen up and layer up, but it takes some more nuance than that.
Yeah lets raise some more whussy kids.. It’s just what the world needs!
You also only had to worry about a couple of model T’s on the road.
Diesel gets really thick when it’s cold and won’t start the engines. That’s why the buses are allowed to run all night. It’s not like they didn’t know it was going to be cold. It’s not the parents who are stupid.
for the discussions in this story.
It’s about the children and the outside exposure at the bus stops. Nothing more nothing less.
Though diesel is a problem, bus fuel issues at these temperatures are rare.
But thanks for playing !!
Um, not rare. If they are plugged in they should be fine unless the are PACCAR motors. Those things are junk.
People can argue all they like, because they’re never going to admit that 50 years ago the school stayed open, and the general pussification of the country is still going strong. Schools have become free daycare and little else, while people are complaining about parents who don’t take care of their kids, tomorrow it looks like the school system won’t be taken care of their kids, either. 🤣
No daycare today and a lot of hungry starving kids. No breakfast or lunch
So bc of shitty parents the rest of us have to keep our kids home?
One less day of liberal indoctrination .
Washington DC today 27°. No parade no swearing in. Because it was too cold lol
I disagree with this approach! Those kids deserve the icy hand of death!
But kids won’t have any problem running around
in stores like a bunch of wild screaming idiots.
To anyone with an electric vehicle.
How are you liking it today. Lol
You have an ad for Brad schimmel. Running for supreme Court. He’s just as corrupt as Gravely. Gravely endorse them for attorney general. Two peas in one pod. Don’t be fooled Kenosha county/ Kenosha
no he isn’t
Which story are you reading ????
If you feel so adamant about it, write an op-ed.
Kevin will publish it. Just ask
Shimmel is a Republican, you bloody retard .
Wtf has this got to do with school closing? You moron !
When I was a kid, we never had schools closed due to cold. I remember seeing the bank clock showing the temperature at -12 when i was walking to school. We have become a nation of wimps. Canada never closes schools due to cold either.
a lot was different when you were kid, don’t be obtuse
“a lot was different when you were kid, don’t be obtuse”. Yes, we weren’t a nation of powder puffs. Winter happens, not preparing for it is stupid.
you bitch when kids are outside, you bitch when they’re inside
you bitch no matter what because your generation are bitches
The generation of bitches are the ones who can’t go outside bc it’s too cold. Waahhhh
don’t be a moron
Many parents are forced to stay home from work or find daycare, so kids and parents both have to go out in the cold anyway. Not to mention the purpose of school, which is to teach. I have a friend who packed up the kids and took them to Wolf River Lodge.
If They packed them up to go to Wolf River lodge Then name make way too much money.!!
I guess I am one of the boomers who finds this disappointing. It is winter in Wisconsin, it is supposed to be cold. This is not a record setting cold either. In fact to hit the record, the temperature has to be approximately 20 degrees colder than it is today.
As other have noted, when we were young we had to walk to school in such weather. Of course, that was when we had neighborhood schools and buses were the exception and not the rule. Yes, I remember getting to school and my feet and hands being cold, feeling like blocks of ice. To me, it’s Wisconsin in the winter. When it became really cold, schools would be open but if parents wanted to keep their children home, it was excused.
The real question is, what is the policy for school closures because of cold?
And what shapes those policies. I agree 100%
Why was Gateway Technical College open????
…… who drive there on their own. Learning jobs that they will then have to go to every day no matter what the weather.
This story is about Children !!
Children who have to do what their parents say.
If dad says “get out there and wait for the bus,” the kid will do it. The school’s are protecting the children from imbecile parents.
Sad but true
I’m all for keeping kids safe, especially those who have to walk to school or wait for the bus.Teachers should’ve had to report to the classroom, they are adults just like the rest of us who had to go to work. Put on your big girl/guy pants and go to work!
The bigger issue is what the fuck happened to remote learning? Why can’t the teachers teach the damn classes via Zoom or whatever they used during COVID?
Oh, the teachers didn’t want to come to school and teach. That makes sense now. Teachers are soft as fuck.
when I went to school LONG time ago, the schools stayed OPEN.I remember having to walk 2 miles there and back on days like this sometimes even colder.I remember even at times walking backwards because the wind blasting my face.I HATED having. to endure it. I wished they would have closed the Schools then. But they did not.Every case is a little bit different.Some for it some not.Depends on your circumstance
same here-no one drove me to school. We just dressed warm