(Kenosha County Sheriff)
A Kenosha businessman is facing multiple felony charges, including child sexual assault, possession of child pornography, and exposing a child to harmful material. If convicted, he could face over 100 years in prison.
Erick Mejia-Cruz appeared in Kenosha County Circuit Court on December 2, 2024, where Commissioner William Michel II set his cash bail at $150,000. Mejia-Cruz has been charged with one count of repeated sexual assault of a child, sexual exploitation of a child through filming, possession of child pornography, and exposing a child to harmful material—each a felony offense.
Allegations and Investigation
According to the criminal complaint, the investigation began on November 27, 2024, when a 13-year-old girl and her mother reported allegations of sexual abuse to the Kenosha Police Department. The girl disclosed that she had been in an ongoing sexual relationship with Mejia-Cruz, her mother’s former boyfriend, and that the most recent assault occurred that very morning.
The victim was taken to Aurora Hospital for a forensic examination, and law enforcement obtained a search warrant for Mejia-Cruz’s residence, vehicle, and phone. Investigators gathered additional evidence, including clothing from the victim’s home.
During an interview at the hospital, the victim detailed how the abuse allegedly began in January 2024 when Mejia-Cruz helped her mother secure a new residence. The victim stated that he initiated inappropriate contact, which escalated into sexual intercourse. She alleged that they engaged in sexual activity on numerous occasions at various locations, including Mejia-Cruz’s home, his car, and his business, Automotive Stylist, located on 52nd Street in Kenosha.
The victim also disclosed that Mejia-Cruz filmed their encounters multiple times and that he had purchased explicit materials for her. She reported that the most recent assault occurred on the morning of November 27, 2024, when her mother dropped her off at Mejia-Cruz’s residence. She stated that she refused his advances, but he assaulted her despite her objections.
Suspect’s Admissions
Mejia-Cruz was taken into custody on November 28, 2024, at his residence. During an interview with law enforcement, he admitted to engaging in sexual activity with the victim but attempted to shift blame, claiming she initiated contact. He acknowledged filming some of the encounters and providing her with explicit materials. He also admitted that he was aware of the severity of his actions, acknowledging the significant age difference and recognizing that his actions were illegal.
Legal Proceedings and Community Response
Prosecutors emphasized the seriousness of the charges, stating that Mejia-Cruz posed a significant danger to the community. His bond was set at $150,000, and he remains in custody pending further court proceedings. If convicted on all charges, he faces a potential sentence exceeding 100 years in prison.
Authorities encourage anyone with information related to this case or similar incidents to contact the Kenosha Police Department.
54 Responses
Bad Hombre
They are not sending their best
Mother proceeds to drop off 13 year old daughter at former boyfriend’s house.
Can fix stupid
Thought the same! Can’t fix stupid at all.
Hope the girl isn’t pregnant.
Cycle might repeat itself.
I hope he retains Ted kmiec to represent him
Hopefully, the both will share a cell
Call ICE, they’ll take him.
Now mom and alleged victim can apply for a U visa and stay in America
Not with trump… only the pasty white people can stay. The European Immigrants.
Troll on, troll LOL
not true! Many legal immigrants from Africa, South America, India, China, Philippines, Japan. MANY different races!
yep! key word, legal. it doesn’t matter what you look like, just come here the right way
Not every Hispanic is illegal dumb ass
Most are. You can’t call a business without pressing #1 for English or #2 for Spanish. This is America, one language, if you don’t understand English learn it. If not get the fuck out
If you’re looking at Hispanics as illegal then in your eyes you’d be right, most are. However Mexicans and Latinos may not agree to being Hispanics. My opinion is Hispanic covers anyone’s lineage descended from a Spanish speaking country. Hispanic to me is a word used by Caucasians in their effort to make racial separation acceptable.
This is the United States of America raised on the taken lands of the Native Indians. Certainly the standards of who is illegally here can be argued but those standards were written by the same Caucasians that stole lands by broken treaties and war. One language, I highly doubt that to be a very accurate thought. Please before you order anyone to get the fuck out, take a good hard look at where your descendants came from.
By the way try dialing these numbers all are 262, 652-1039, 653-4000 or even 654-0429 there is no option for pressing #1 or #2. Even if there was are you really so lazy you can not press one more button? What bothers me is not getting a living person without having to hear numerous options then being on hold before possibly hearing a human talking.
LMAO “taken lands”. More like conquered by the next guy. Wonder who the Indiana conquered to get it?
*Indians lol
It so nice that you have but one point to debate, verbiage. I say taken lands and have expressed the reason by broken treaties and war. There are numerous broken treaties to support my point. Then again treaty was offered only as a way to stop fighting a nation that did not want to just surrender their beings. To further discuss the original post of, English only, the European wanders even expected the Native Indians to stop speaking their own languages and attempts to beat it out of them almost did just that. But I as usual ramble so please explain your statement of “conquered by the next guy”. Who did the Indiana conquer? They conquered no one, they crossed thousands of years ago across a land mass that no longer exists today and settled throughout the North America continent. “They made us many promises, more than I can remember. But they kept but one—They promised to take our land…and they took it.” Chief Red Cloud December 29, 1890
Do you really think someone is going to read your ramblings? Conquered land is all a part of civilization.
At the history of Native Americans. They were often fighting each other in spite of some tribes were relatively peaceful.
“Our land”…it’s anyone who wins the battles’ land.
Just like when you try to apply for an attorney with the SPD
What percentage would you say are ?
Your comment is as stupid as the mother of this helpless little child. Why would you think that calling ICE is the solution to this horrible situation. Do you not care that this animal will hurt other children!
Time for the millstone.
And we have a lake handy!
Sorry, I wasn’t being culturally sensitive; grown men dating 13 year olds is common south of the border. My bad.
Unfortunately you are right
Hence why Countries want immigrants to assimilate. We don’t allow that sh*t here.
Is Tennessee South of the border
The Mason-Dixon border, but the Constitution has no problem with American citizens crossing the MD at will. 😝
Anyone want to take this guy out on a unfrozen, I mean frozen…..lake?
Go back to Mexico, hombre.
And he isn’t even Mexican either
No one cares. STFU.
Charge the mother with child neglect and endangering a child. This woman is an accomplice.
Agree. No way should she not have known. Maybe brought her there the last time before taking her to get evidence. Sad because there is no reason to drop her off at an ex’s house.
He was hoping Gravely and his gang of lesbian incompetents were going to be handling his case.
… Gravely was the DA at the time of this guys arrest. Yet charges weren’t brought until now.
Interesting as to why Gravely didn’t.
Can anyone answer that ?
I probably wasn’t clear enough. This guy was charged back in November. I just only learned of it
The dyke squad
Hmmmm…is he a teacher for KUSD perhaps too? So sad for the girl.
Disgusting, filthy pig and idiot mother! I feel so sorry for the kid
Yes this is common south of the border.waukegan and Zion for sure and most are Bear fans.
Yeah about as common as your shitty ass writing and spelling.
Which Anonymous is this ?
The moment should also be charged. What mother would drop her 13 year old daughter off at her ex boyfriend’s house alone??? Absolutely disgusting.
What a scum bag .. lock his ass up
When are these sick fucking wierdos going to learn? Maybe when mandatory life in prison is the penalty 🤔
What’s with all the racist tropes