(Kenosha Sheriff)
A Kenosha County Sheriff’s Deputy is being accused of misconduct in a now-viral video on youtube. The video, posted by “LackLuster,” shows a man driving for DoorDash getting pulled over for giving the Deputy the middle finger, which is a constitutionally protected activity.
Deputy Mandujano admits pulling him over for giving him the bird, but then later pivots and blames the stop on driving 10 miles per hour under the speed limit. The driver had a dash cam and was recording the entire encounter. The video has been seen almost 100,000 times in the first three hours of being published.
The Deputy demanded to see the driver’s license and registration, even though he didn’t have reasonable suspicion to pull the man over to begin with. The man then alerts Deputy Mandujano that the stop isn’t legal. The Deputy then lets the man go without getting his ID.
The Sheriff’s Department responded late Mondays in a statement:
“We are aware of the video circulating on social media regarding a recent traffic stop involving one of our deputies. The Kenosha County Sheriff’s Office is committed to maintaining the highest standards of professionalism and transparency in all our actions.
Please know that this incident is being carefully reviewed according to our established procedures. We appreciate your patience as we work to ensure accountability and continuous improvement.”

The driver of the vehicle, Aaron Rodefer told KCE that he contacted the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Office a half hour after the stop to make a complaint, and he was berated and told that it was inappropriate to flip off a police officer. The supervisor told him that he would have pulled him over as well. The supervisor then hung up on Rodefer. “My complaint wasn’t taken seriously, and I knew it wouldn’t either,” Rodefer told KCE. When asked why he flipped off the Deputy, Rodfer told KCE, while he didn’t ever have a bad experience with police, he has had friends and family with bad experiences. “As long as there are bad cops, there are no good cops,” said Rodefer. “Because good cops wouldn’t allow bad cops to be bad.”
KCE has asked for the body-worn-camera footage and audio from the alleged phone call. Deputy Mandujano was hired in 2021.
Unedited Video:
97 Responses
People are pricks. He went looking for trouble and made his little video. Cops are people too and don’t deserve to be treated poorly.
You like to blame victims I see. There a constitutional right to be a jerk and flip off cops. It is on the cops to respect the rights of individuals.
You reap what you sow. Cops are pricks that wil lie to you to get their desired outcome. Nothing but bully revenue generators for the machine.
F the cops
You say that until you need one, keyboard warrior
For a speeding ticket? For drinking a beer while walking down the street? Don’t need them
Love that thugs and criminals hate the cops. We ate in trouble if they love them.
This cop was using his badge to enforce his tyranny against someone who broke no laws
Tough guy whines like a sissy when you need a cop
Who needs thugs with badges wearing a costume to impose their arrogance
This article states, “When asked why he flipped off the Deputy, Rodfer told KCE, while he didn’t ever have a bad experience with police, he has had friends and family with bad experiences.” Refer to, could this be the same individual that made that statement?
Charge Code: 961.41(1)(g)1, Charge Description: Manufacture/Deliver Psilocin(<=100g), Booking Number: 2021004462, Booking Date: 9/15/2021
That’s him, white trash at its finest
damn – 320 pounds -time to diet
He is definitely a FAT FUCK!
exactly! The driver was and is a jerk
BLM scum doing door dash
Of course he is a door dash driver and a junkie. Look up his record. Ain’t no one saying that tho.
Mfs have too much time on their hands to be recording and uploading shit just for clout! Get out your mom’s basement and get a real job. 😂
Back the Blue!!!
definitely back the blue
I would have done a cavity search
Turd burgler
This guy is a grifter. Maybe he should sign up to be a good cop and show them how it’s done. If he gave the finger to a random guy in a bar, pretty sure his constitutional protection would not be protecting him from a confrontation.
Oh pleeeaaase people, it was a hand gesture! That cop pulled him over because he is a power trippy little prick with a badge….get over yourself! No need for so much drama.
100 percent correct
Then why are you adding to the drama?
The guy is a douche and the cop is a douche. Both should be so proud.
well said
Laws are laws, see for yourself. It’s something I wouldn’t do personally but you can’t be arrested or detained. First Amendment protection
I would not do it myself. Kind of a waste of time. However, there are multiple videos available that involve Kenosha police that you may want to watch. Just sayin.
Flip the story around. Cop flips off door dash driver because of bad service. Door dash driver gets lawyer and wins millions from Kenosha. Story on news nation wide
“Lackluster” will be changing his name to
“Jawbusted” after flipping of the wrong guy
A simple CCAP search of Aaron Rodefer will show that he is a tool. He just waited till he was off probation to pull that stupid shit.
Bravo to the deputy, I probably would have handled that situation differently if I wore a badge.
@Aaron Rodefer you are a loser and I find it hilarious your profession is a Door Dash driver, shit karma for a shit person.
Bravo for the cop to enforce his feelings on others Cops are untouchable
He was going 10 below the speed limit, the officer could have cited him for impeding the flow of traffic. Door Dash is loaded with losers, never tip them.
Yeah lots of traffic on that road. So if you go to slow you get a ticket. Go to fast you get a ticket. Got it.
It’s TOO, you uneducated trash
Power Trip by cop , Then lies about why for the stop , This is the REAL issue !!!
100 %
Flipped off the cop and film the whole thing hoping for something bad to happen. Gets ACLU involved, wins huge civil rights lawsuit for millions. Finally gets to retire from being door dash CEO
And your point is?
When I see this prick of a cop I will flip him off and call him every name in the book. I dare him to do something
Tough guy! I am sure you are another grown ass man, probably a felon earning minimum wage that can even provide for himself. You are a loser just like this dumb fuck, be proud! LOL
I value my rights. Somone with a GED, badge and gun doesn’t change anything
When I see this deputy I am going to buy him a cup of coffee and thank him for his service.
Cop sucker?
Bring your knee pads
Bring back disorderly conduct
If the cop doesn’t like what your doing, disorderly!
All I read here was a poor low life junkie, doing DoorDash for a living was crying about getting pulled over for disrespecting an officer. Maybe get a real job and contribute to society in a positive way instead of selling drugs near schools and then baiting officers to make your stupid little videos where you’re acting like the victim.
The comments here show how classy you people you are. No wonder SE Wisconsin is shit place to live and raise a family, the citizens are the problem. Homeboy is the epitome of a white trash LOSER
seeking a handout and idiots here are justifying his behavior.
This could have happened anywhere.
Speed LIMIT…I don’t think there is a speed minimum.
“Hi, I am here to ruin your day ”
I think the only appropriate things the deputy should/could have said would be:
Are you okay?
Are you having car trouble?
Do you need any help?
I think, for a moment in time,
Serve and protect
Escaped the officer.
“Is everything ok, sir? I saw you wave me down, I thought you might need assistance. I did notice you were driving quite a bit below the posted speed limit, I just want to make sure nothing’s wrong…”
No muss, no fuss…😁
Even if…. The driver were a low life, the constitution is pretty clear. The first amendment is there for a reason. One of the elements is the right to Redress grievances with your government. For most of us, the closest thing to our government is a police officer. Having previously been a police officer, my training was very clear. You don’t get to retaliate because you’re offended ! Some police are so sensitive or bored, that they make up reasons to make contact with citizens and/or arrest them. I’m not a cop hater and I don’t believe all cops are bad, but if the good cops don’t police the bad ones, we’re nothing but a third world nation. The Sergeant who took the complaint and rejected it is part of the problem! He should be disciplined right along with the deputy. There are literally thousands of this type of videos all over YouTube. Just search “police abuse or ID refusal, etc” and you’ll find what law enforcement gets away with at the citizens expense. Some much worse than this episode. Typically, Internal Investigations are a waste of time, with dispositions ending in “we investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong…” Our only recourse is then a Section 1983 lawsuit. Based on the video this deputy is a “Bad Cop” and at the very least should be suspended without pay for at least 30 days and be retrained in the 1st, 4th, 5th and 14th amendments. If a violation of this occurs in the future, then an immediate firing. The “Us against We” attitude must end in policing, but I’m not holding my breath. Sheriff Zoerner, we elected you based on your Constitutional stance after suffering through years of David Beth. Please don’t let us down…
Did you idiots even watch the video? Fuck I hate the lowlifes of Kenosha.
Exactly. Back the badge at your own peril. Back the law not the badge.
deputy should give him the finger back and every one goes on there way
Just wave back and smile.
The cop works for the public. The driver does not
Cop can give the finger back on behalf of citizen me.
Convicted felon, now he is a 40 year old piece of shit that can’t find a ‘real’ job antagonizing LE hoping to get a handout. Sums things up, doesn’t it, Aaron Rodefer?
1 961.41(1)(g)1 Manufacture/Deliver Psilocin(<=100g) Felony G Guilty Due to No Contest Plea
2 961.42(1) Maintain Drug Trafficking Place Felony I Guilty Due to No Contest Plea
One final thing, Aaron, I sent your name and criminal background to Door Dash this morning. So I would get ahead of the game and start looking for new employment, LOSER!
“DoorDash does not allow convicted felons to drive for them. DoorDash performs background checks on all applicants to ensure they are not a risk to the platform or its customers.”
Good job, now another unemployed loser with kids to feed
Ideally he will realize his life is shit and consume a hot dose of fentanyl and die.
Eat shit loser!!!
Felons are not allowed to doordash per doordash. He stated that he is doordashing. He is using someone else’s account.
Arrest him for fraud, identity theft, etc.
“As long as there are bad cops, there are no good cops,” said Rodefer. “Becuase good cops wouldn’t allow bad cops to be bad.”
Now change the word “cops” to TEACHERS and we would be more factual.
“Giving the finger” to the officer was classless. The deputy should have ignored it instead of stooping to the same level. Not only is it the appropriate thing to do but it denies Mr. Congeniality his 15 minutes of fame.
What should the sheriff do? First, he shouldn’t drag it out but rather act quickly and decisively. A written reprimand and two-day suspension seems appropriate. It should not be a career ending event and the response from KSD so far has been caged in fluff speech. The sheriff needs to do what needs to be done quickly and transparently and then call it a day and move on.
This cop was enforcing his ego. Suspension with loss of pay. Next time he’s fired.
Send the cop to some “Don’t let the idiots get under your skin” class. That should take care of it.
Yeah… Who’s the bigger man here???
Good job on reporting Aaron’s background to Door Dash,Karma coming at him!
Slap on the wrist to the Deputy, i’m sure he learned the lesson, let the scum of earth flip you off, smile at them and let the loser be.
DoorDash has no record of him working there so it was all a LIE!
Fire that Mexican cop. Scum
He not there to protect and serve. The Mexican is out to flash his tin badge while wearing a polyester custume
Supreme Court says they have no duty to protect you. They are there to fill out paperwork after the fact and collect revenue for the state/county/city.
How do you know he’s Mexican 🤣
Looks Italian to me you racist FUCK!
Bottom line, just a matter of time till that scared punk cop kills somebody. He needs to find a new job, mark my words he will shoot somebody. He can get his old job back at Kenosha Steam Bath
You are an idiot, FYI
Tell us more about the steam baths.
Well they are in Kenosha with steam and baths, I hope this helps. Riddle me this.. I am the brother of Raggedy Ann and a type of lettuce.. Who am I?
I hope this ass clown overdoses and the deputy is first on the scene and happens to ‘misplace’ his Narcan.
You are the devil
Yes, I agree. The middle finger is worthy of a death sentence…
QUALIFICATIONS to be a deputy in Kenosha.
The qualifications are very strict. Pretty much anyone can be a cop
Must be a citizen of the United States
Must be not less than twenty and a half (20 ½) years of age at time of application and not less than twenty-one (21) years of age upon date of hire
May not have been convicted at any time of a felony, unless the judgment or conviction has been reversed
Driving Record
Must possess a valid driver’s license
During the time period beginning on the date three (3) years immediately preceding the date of the written test and continuing to the date of appointment, may not have been convicted of any single violation equivalent to more than four (4) points and have accumulated no more than the equivalent of six (6) points, as assessed by the State of Wisconsin Department of Motor Vehicles
Education and Training
At time of oral interview, applicants must possess and show proof of the following:
High school diploma or equivalent; and
Certification by the Wisconsin Law Enforcement Standards Board (LESB); or
A two-year Associate Degree from an accredited institution; or
A minimum of sixty college-level credits from an accredited institution.
The qualifications seem minimal. The dog catcher has the same qualifications
Must be 21 1/2 yrs old min.
Can not be convicted of a felony
Drivers license
GED or High School Diploma
2 years at Gateway
To be honest, the dude did seem a little high. And if the officer said he was going 10 under, he should have made it about that, Not the flipping off. Would explain why dude was going 10 under, if he was high. Lol
If someone flipped me off I would flip them off back or ignore them. If I’m a cop and someone flipped me off I would ignore them too. I wouldn’t make the time to pull anyone over for something like that. Get real deputy Mandujano and anyone else bothered by this man’s complaint.
No one drives ten miles under the speed limit in Kenosha, W
I’m sorry young rookie, your ego, inexperience and lack of creativity in the “gray zone” of policing permitted the “complainant” to own you. Your diagnosis in the world of policing is called “Contempt of Cop”. If you listened to your academy instructors and FTO’s you’d know how to be a professional and turn it around. I’m now retired, but nothing was more entertaining than occasionally pulling over an individual for “flipping the bird” usually followed by yelling “F” the police, or some other derogatory statement, etc. Most of us, with years of experience in dealing with low I.Q. Individuals, would initiate a traffic stop, and ask “OMG sir/mamm are you ok? I observed you waving and yelling something unintelligible at me, are you having a medical issue? Do you need assistance? Can I call someone for you? The shaking hands, deer in the headlights look in their eyes, and of course the stuttering word salad only Kamala would appreciate was priceless and perfectly legal!