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Salem Lakes Woman Slapped With Restraining Order Tuesday From Village President


A 51-year-old Salem Lakes resident who was furious with the village board after they refused to take action on a multitude of demands she issued in writing, was slapped with a restraining order on Tuesday.

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Dee Ann Grubb, 51, of Salem Lakes, was served with a temporary restraining order Tuesday night just before 8:00 p.m. by the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department.

Rita Bucur – Salem Lakes Village President

The petition that was granted and signed by Kenosha County Circuit Court Commissioner Lisa Bouterse, alleges constant harassment via email, social media, and in person. The petitioner, Salem Lakes Village President Rita Bucur, told KCE that she respects Grubb’s right to contact her and other board members about Village business. She respects her right to be upset that the board members she liked were all defeated by a 2 to 1 margin in the Spring, 2023 elections. However, she said that Grubb crossed the line when she started to make veiled threats and incessantly contacted Bucur about non-village related matters.

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“I’m always open to discuss Village matters with anyone who wants. Getting accosted in public and getting emails saying, basically ‘I know where you live,’ however, is where I draw the line,” said Bucur. “My family’s safety is my priority. That’s why I sought the order. I’m thankful that Commissioner Bouterse signed the order, I feel a slight sense of relief.”

The fee for the petition, normally $164.50, was waived by Commissioner Bouterse because the allegations are the same or similar to that of stalking. In fact, Bucur cited two incidents in which she says that Grubb put herself in close physical proximity to Bucur. One such incident was a highly-publicized fundraiser for a school charity. Bucur was volunteering her time and Grubb showed up, seemingly to intimidate Bucur. The owner of the bar said that he had never seen Grubb there before.

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At another event, as cited in the petition, Bucur said that Grubb “accosted her” in front of many witnesses, causing her to feel extremely uncomfortable.

Bucur wrote in part:

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“Grub has engaged in a [manner] of conduct that has caused me to fear for my personal safety. Her unwanted communications began as messages on social media and emails and progressed into her showing up at places she isn’t known to be – where it was widely known I would be. I tried to ignore her repeated attempts to communicate with me, even after I asked her to stop. She then escalated [the matter] by sending multiple emails to my colleagues. Her communications took a scary turn when she sent me an email indicating that she knows where I lived. This caused me to fear for my personal safety and that of my family. It is clear to me that she will not stop her harassing and stalking conduct short of a court order compelling her to cease [the conduct.]”

Grubb’s rampage started when her friends were all kicked off of the board. Things seemed to progress after the village board refused to take action on a multitude of demands she issued in writing. Grubb seemingly asked the board on May 31, 2024, to take some bizarre and unconstitutional actions. KCE discovered these demands pursuant to a public records request.

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Among these demands, were banning the media from the board meetings, banning non-residents from speaking during citizen comments, prohibiting the legal carrying of concealed firearms in village buildings, and finally, prohibiting trustees from drinking alcoholic beverages during their own personal time. She also seemed to take exception to the board members speaking to the media. One trustee responded to Grubb and invited her to have coffee to discuss the issues. Grubb declined.

Grubb’s Facebook Friends List

A further look into Grubb shows that she is a loyalist to the old board, saying on social media “Th[e] board is a horrible shit show and all of them should be kicked out.” In the same post, she accused the current board of “doing favors” for the people who “got [the board] elected by making up lies.” She also criticized the board for “firing” former Village Administrator Mike Murdock, a year before his contract ended.” KCE confirmed that there was no contract for Murdock at the time of his resignation.

Under the order, Grub is commanded to, under penalty of arrest and prosecution to:

  1. Avoid harassment of the petitioner.
  2. Avoid the petitioner’s residence and/or any premises temporarily occupied by the petitioner.
  3. Avoid contact that harasses or intimidates the petitioner. (Contact includes contacted the petitioner’s home, work, school, public places, in person, by phone, in writing, by electronic communication revise, or in any other manner.)
  4. Avoid contacting the petitioner or causing any person other than the party’s attorney or law enforcement officer to contact a petitioner unless the petitioner can sense in writing.

Grubb has been incessantly emailing and contacting trustees on social media. She has also been making statements about a pair of local businesses who tell KCE they are considering filing defamation suits against the woman. “I don’t know who this woman is, but if she keeps telling lies to people in the community and posting lies on social media, I’ve authorized my attorney to sue her for defamation. I love the first amendment, but the first amendment doesn’t apply to someone who is lying about a business in an attempt to harm the business,” a local business owner told KCE. Grubb has also accused a trustee, without providing evidence, of OWI – a background check shows Grubb has an OWI conviction herself out of Georgia.

Today, after being contacted by KCE, Grubb had “no comment.”

A hearing the restraining order is scheduled to occur on July 22, 2024 at 9:15 a.m. KCE will be in attendance for this hearing



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Kenosha Man Connected To Many Area-Democrat Campaigns Charged With Two Serious Child Abuse Felonies

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Kenosha Dumb Criminal – Man Breaks Into City Hall To Charge Cell Phone

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KUSD Places Bradford Teacher On Leave In Response To Allegations Of Grooming At Previous District

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Disgraced Former Politician Due Back In Court – Allegedly Stiffs Lawyer For $10,000

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Union Pacific Employee, Killed By Train Near 13th Avenue And 69th Street

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Kenosha County District Attorney Deciding Whether Or Not To Retry Hung Jury Marijuana Trial

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Update: Kenosha Police Locate, Arrest Bank Robbery Suspect – Was Recently Paroled For Similar Crimes

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Kenosha Mayor, City Council, Allow AFL-CIO To Hold Annual Labor Fest At No Cost For City Resources

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44 Responses

  1. I’m shocked by this type of behavior in the Village. This is like H.S. again.  “You might be mad about the election outcome, but that’s what the next election is for… don’t you think? From what I’ve seen and heard, the changes since the 2023 election are the best things that could happen to this village.  My view is that the old board got sleepy and complacent with their jobs and the citizens called them out.  They forgot who they work for, a bunch of lazy bastards collecting a paycheck and letting the businesses and their families bear the burden of grief from their inaction, good riddance.  The fact that a handful of assholes have vendettas makes me pissed! Why is it that the good things happening in the Village need to be met with personal attacks that aren’t centered around village policies? I feel sorry that they put this lady (Grubb) up to this nonsense, I hope she will learn her lesson. Unfortunately, relying on liars for your information never seems to work out. Anyway, I believe Rita is doing a great job.”

    1. Yes you are correct. There are two board members left over from that time. They need to be replaced with people that will help the new board.

        1. Attending all village board meetings you would have heard that the new board has actually found hundreds of thousands of wasted dollars from the old boards contracts that are now back in the budget. You would also see that the board looks for cost saving measures in all departments and extensively reviews new budget items. They may be spending but it has been necessary spending and it has been reviewed to ensure they are not overspending for the budgeted item. They are reviewing the old boards contracts and finding overspending and correcting it.

      1. Actually there are 3 board members left from the previous board, Trustees Faber, Gandt, and Hopkins. All 3 of these gentlemen do a fine job, with the best interests of the Village in mind. Just because they served with the previous board, it does not mean they are corrupt like the previous board members who got voted out were. Each one of the three brings a different area of knowledge to the current board.

    2. You hit the nail right on the head! Grubb is a puppet for the old board just like Biden is the puppet for the old piece of shit Obama! Plus there are a handful of morons who can’t stop crying about the loss and they are blind and cannot see the change is “GOOD!” They should all hit the road if they cannot handle it the Libtarded dumocratic morons!

  2. Makes you understand why good people don’t want to stick their neck out for local government. This Grubb woman should be ashamed of herself, why?

      1. Am I a creeper for saying that Grubb looks like a…………grub?
        I’d be pissed and have resting bitch face too if I looked like her.
        Grubb is just jealous of Rita’s beauty and handling of local government.
        Carry on!

  3. Ran into her at Riverside. She is an angry wacky little Grubb. Very rude to a couple of us sitting there and was talking very bad about local business. Needs to float down the river to Illinois. Definitely not wanted here

  4. Wow! What a fruitcake!! i hope she is sued by these businesses. i wonder if these former board members have instigated some of this–i remember Grubb, who reminds me of a gnat, interrupting meetings years ago in Salem.

  5. This Grubb bitch looks awfully familiar! I probably ran into her in my time of stupidity, before I got saved. Anyway, fuck the Grubb bitch! Of course she’s upset about the old board losing. She probably blew every one of them. She’s probably just another one of Ted Kmiecs coke or fentynl whores anyways. 🙄 She’s definitely a little whining bitch too! Grubb a dub dub go drown in a tub watching porn hub you flub! 🤣

  6. I keep reading on SM about the Smear and Lie campaign that happened in 2023. Can someone please tell us all, one lie that was stated? They never state these lies, just tell you they exist in their empty heads. I’m so tired of ignorant people such as Grubb making statements that aren’t true because they are angry. What I know is the Village of Salem Lakes in my view was saved from some fairly incompetent trustees and certain employees. Nobody was wronged, voters voted and less than stellar employees resigned instead of termination in many cases. It sucks to get called out but that is what happens when you fall asleep at the wheel and do stupid things. People need to move on. If you feel that as a past politician, you can offer more misery to the Village then by all means run for office again, GOOD LUCK. Otherwise please take your minions(Grubb) and go crawl into the hole of shame and let the Village move forward positively. Mrs. Grubb, you are fighting a loser’s fight, nobody wins on lies!!! Leave the President of the Village Alone. If you want to attend meetings and speak about Village issues please do so, but attacking people on their time is typically done by people who have some type of Mental Disease. Please do not embarrass you or your family anymore. The people you support aren’t worth the trouble.

  7. The four “new” people on the board are up for reelection next spring. Barely 6 months before nomination petitions are accepted.

    If you don’t like what’s happening, then run !
    The job requires a lot of time in the background to understand what you’re looking at each month.
    If you have the time and the desire, then run.

    There are 14,000. residents though not even 2 thousand vote. A little over 10 percent.
    Not a high bar to clear.
    Show us what you got !

    1. In the spring 2023 election, 4,436 votes were cast for Village president. 2,932 for Rita, 1,487 for Diann. As of the 2020 census (14,600 residents), 29.6% of those were under 18, which leaves approximately 10,280 eligible voters, 4,436 is about a 43% voter turnout if my math is correct.

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