(Kenosha Sheriff)
Former business partners Michael Perrine and Tim Wade are headed to court for a failed food trailer called “Blu Popper.” Perrine filed suit on February 13, 2023 against Tim Wade, alleging that Wade caused the business to fail by breaching their contract and fiduciary duty. Wade however, is asserting that the business failed because of Perrine. When the two decided to invest together in the business, Perrine never told Wade that he was a sex offender and certainly not any of the details of his conviction.

(Kenosha Sheriff)
Sex Offense
According to a criminal complaint, Michael (Mike) Perrine was 22 years old in 2006 when he coached girls basketball at Holy Rosary Catholic School in Kenosha. An 8th grade little girl, 13 or 14 years old at the time they met, caught the eye of Perrine. The two started to talk on the phone and text each other. The young girl’s mother found out and told her daughter not to have contact with Perrine any longer. Even after being told not to, the child still saw Perrine, riding her bicycle to the storage unit facility he worked at to see him. Her mother thought that the two had sexual intercourse so she took her for a sexual assault examination. The girl and Perrine both admitted to kissing and digital penetration (fingering). When the girl’s father found out about the sexual relationship, Perrine quit his job as coach. Perrine told the girl that he was risking going to prison for the rest of his life.
Perrine was arrested and charged with three counts of sexual assault of a child. Two Judges recused themselves from the case because they were “acquainted with the Perrine family.” The third judge to be assigned, the late Michael Wilk did no such thing. The prosecutor at the time was Michael Graveley who is now Kenosha’s District Attorney. Apparently Graveley was very light-on-crime back then also. He worked out a plea deal with Perrine that resulted in him pleading guilty to one count of sexual assault of a child. The other two counts were dismissed but read-in. Judge Michael Wilk accepted this plea deal. Perrine was sentenced to not a single day in jail. There were a lot of upset family members that day. Mad at the prosecutor for being weak on a serious crime, and a weak Judge who approved most plea deals without a second thought.

Thankfully, weak prosecutors and judges can’t get around one thing – the sex offender registry. Perrine is required to register for life. Perrine is compliant with the registry and is not wanted by police.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Food Trailer
Perrine is a landscaper by day, owning and operating Perrine Property Management, LLC, but started a food trailer called “Blu Popper.” It was modeled after his grandfather’s restaurant called Fon Tan Blu that was operating in the 70’s.
We ran a story on June 9, 2021 when we learned Andrea Forgiana, daughter of the late Ray Forgianni, allowed the sex offender to serve children at the Kenosha Harbor Market. The Kenosha Public Market, at the time, declined to allow Perrine at their market, according to president Michael McTernan, a local attorney.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Our story reached every corner of the state. According to Wade, the potential for a busy inaugural summer for Blu Popper quickly plummeted. One after another, locations, businesses and food events started to cancel partnerships with Blu Popper at events featuring the trailer because of the horrendous act of one of the owners. They didn’t want a child sex offender around….well…. children. Only the wokest and bravest far-left progressives stood by Mr. Perrine and patronized his business.

Crystal Miller, employee of Frontida Assisted living was one such woke person who didn’t mind a sex offender near her family and friends. “Blu Popper is welcome to be a vendor at our event and offer food for sale,” she told KCE in an email on June 11, 2021. She ran as a republican for assembly but tried to toe the line, appealing to democrats. She lost big, but is reportedly considering a run for Kenosha Mayor, a notion that most reasonable people dismiss as not serious.
Wade lawyered up and intends to fight the suit in court. He contends that the only reason the business failed, is because Perrine never disclosed his status as child sex offender. Wade says that when our story ran, all of his business ran with it. The trailer couldn’t be profitable because of the reputation that was now garbage.

DeRangos Buys Trailer
Several readers tipped us off to the Blu Popper trailer last summer, now covered in “DeRangos” logos. We emailed Joe Passarelli, asking him if he was now partners with Perrine and he didn’t respond to us. He later related to KCE, via a third party, that is is not in partnership with Perrine.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
KCE Reached out to Perrine’s attorney for comment, but he said he can’t comment at this stage in the proceedings.
36 Responses
Great article Kevin!! Keep exposing the truth!!
Well said, Dan. Dooley and Associates should be investigated too. They LOVE this pedophile. Always doing stuff for him and he constantly in their office. Jen Dooley and John Hogan are con artists who charge outrageous prices for simple and work and pray on people that do not know technology. John Hogan claims he finished college but he failed out lol. Jen Dooley is a scammer and also pays her employees nothing with no 401K, benefits, insurance. At the same time, she and John say they care about the community. Lmao what a big joke. Keep hanging out with you pedophile friends Dooley
That’s more interesting. When the blu popper trailer was wrapped, that’s who Mike insisted they used.
Thanks for exposing the disgusting acts of this poor excuse for a human, not only in his personal life, but also his professional life. This person doesn’t care who he hurts and he NEEDS TO BE STOPPED!!! He needs to leave innocent people (& children) alone!
So basically DeRangos supports sexual assault of children? That’s all I was able to infer from this article.
Don’t support these types of businesses….although DeRangos’ food has always sucked anyways.
DeRangos crawling in bed with a child molester ! Says volumes for the moral compass of the ownership.
Kevin .Once again exposing the KTown good ole boys network…
The web of entanglements between various families and local government has gone on too long. Thanks for shining the light of day on the dark underbelly of Kenosha County! No more DeRangos pizzas for our two club events each year (have to double check the records, but our order last June was around $450-460).
Joe won’t give a shit. He hired a cocaine addict to be his General manager lol. His kitchens are very nasty and he does not care about his employees in the slightest. Place should be shut down.
So now when DeRangos goes out of business when Mike Perrine’s reputation catches up with him again, is he going to sue Uncle Joe for ruining that business too? It seems like this guy is one of those “the problem is never me” types…
Maybe he should stick to his day job.
Ask for a tour of his kitchen and basement. This pizzeria should be shut down.
Any connection to Sandy Poppers?
No. Absolutely no connection
Perrine also likes to “hire” teenage boys to help with his “snow removal” business and make them shovel snow for businesses for 10 hours and then not pay them. Had I know he wasn’t allowed around children, I would have never let him pick my son up.
Crystal Miller seems to be much more than an “employee” of Frontida….she seems to be CEO/owns these assisted living places.
Damn…..if she was OK with child sex predators…..you wonder what type of people she is OK with working at their assisted living places? I sure as hell wouldn’t want one of my relatives staying at one of her facilities after finding this out….
Oh yeah. She is the CEO along with her husband, who is a woke left wing nut job who hides behind a loving persona. They pay their employees horrible wages and run their nursing homes like a nazi camp. They strip their residents of all their money and pay none of it to their staff, while Crystal and Steve pretend they are loving people.
All I know is Crystal Miller pretends to be a Republican while supporting everyone with liberal views. Depends where she is and who she is talking to, and she back stabs along the way. She’s the worst kind of wannabe politician. I heard she’s going to run for mayor. It will never happen. No one can stand her!
Looks like there’s more to the story. Perrine was convicted of a felony child sexual assault. The buck stops with the judge who has the last word. But before attacking the late Judge Wilk over handing out probation there’s a dirty little secret or two here. The dark side of the truth in sentencing law is that sentencing guidelines were established (now gone, thankfully) by some whiz kids in Madison that made it tougher to ship a lot of criminals away. The other factor is the secret presentence investigation (at that time it would have included the guidelines worksheet) which is the Department of Corrections’ sentencing recommendation to the judge (PSI carries a lot of weight). The PSI is secret and sealed with only the defense counsel, defendant, DA and judge allowed to look at it. Not much truth when the PSI is sealed. To understand the whole picture we need to see the whole picture but most of it was open for view. It looks like some kind of plea bargain was struck around the time of the preliminary hearing. At least plea bargains have to be stated out loud in court.
Typo…most of it was NOT open for view.
So if we done our job here and we are reporting fair and honest news. I am pretty sure they Catholic church is not allowing a 12 year old be a god father because that is about how old Joseph Passaerilli would have been when Perrine was born. And Perrine is not involved in that food truck he bought with a partner who is not Perrine. So sling your mud by all means your original article helped tank the BLU pooper so you trying to do Wade a favor? While destroying other businesses that truly have nothing to do with this issue
Joe bought the trailer from Perrine so there is involvement…. And Mike is in his 30s. Joe is only in his 40s your saying…
Sold his godfather the trailer at half the price he paid for it…. Corrupt Kenosha mafia protecting their own.
Perrine hangs out with Joe and also runs his so called lawn business out of Joe’s property on North 22nd Ave. They also go to Las Vegas together. Could imagine what they do there together. Anyone who associates with a known child rapist is also a sick individual.
Who the fuck goes to Vegas after like age 25?
Nothing to do with this issue? Anyone that does business or associates with a known registered sex offender against children or adults needs to be called out and let others now.
Dooley and Associates needs to be investigated as well. They love this sex offender and are always doing things with him and supporting him. Jen Dooley and John Hogan are far left woke pedo loves and need to he stopped along with their business practices.
So, when is this community hold the Perrine family accountable for all their sexual abuses and nose stuck in the air attitudes towards the law?
Michael and his cousin Anthony just dont get it. Their grandfather has to be turning in his grave.
As usual, Kenosha residents and their liberal views are late to the party in holding trash accountable.
Here we go Kenosha controls what they want, the guy served his debt to society.
So, if this is the case, we better go through all the mc d and any place that kids might be served at and fire them. this is just a political corrupt way of not letting this guy make money. Perrine what you do ? Not pay the higher ups in this town , and Wade did ???
His debt to society? He is a child rapist. Nice try sicko.
Wade did? Perrine should have been in prison not in a good truck with children.
Partner up with stienbrink jr that way you can get the food truck up and running again.
or maybe the major give him free food for life , he will make it happen.
Im willing to bet that the carnval they hire for the 4th weekend is all sex offenders and felon , but the $$ are paid ….
If you want any respect as a journalist – leave your personal opinions at the door. You are shady and judgemental.