(File Photo Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
The Village of Salem Lakes Fire Commission is down to three members from its original five-member composition. This, after Allen Thennes, the Commission’s President resigned last week. Kenosha County Eye can confirm that the resignation was sudden and the letter complained of “politics” just like Dunski’s letter of resignation.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Thennes resigned in part, because the Village President asked the Vice President to resign less than three weeks ago. The former Vice President, Allen M. Dunski, Jr is a serial arsonist that spent two years in prison after confessing to three separate arsons.

Thennes and Dunski are close friends and both came under tremendous scrutiny after they failed to take action to stop a rogue Fire Chief and Fire Marshall from attempting to shut down businesses. Former Fire Chief James Lejcar and Fire Marshall Steve Ptaszynski resigned shortly after the entire village board changed hands during the April, 2023 election. They also resigned the day before an explosive investigation into wrong-doing was due to be released.
A long time Kenosha Fire Department house captain, Al Carr was recently appointed as interim fire chief for the Village. Many of the business owners that were seemingly the targets of the former Chief have recently praised Carr for his leadership. Al Carr has reached out to the affected business owners to find common ground with the minor fire code disputes.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Village President Rita Bucur is in the process of selecting two new members to the Commission, which will go to the full Village Board for a vote.
Due to the recent departure of Mr. Thennes, the village is soliciting at least one applicant to serve on the Salem Lakes Fire Commission. There will be one or more openings in the immediate future due to expiring terms. The Village is looking for dedicated and committed residents to apply. Please contact the Village Clerk at 262-843-2313 for directions on how to apply.

19 Responses
Thank You Kevin, for letting us know what is going on behind closed doors!
Just saw Dunski posting videos of fires on the Kenosha County Scanner. He’s one sick guy. Arsonists are like pedos – there’s no rehabilitation for them. They are sick in the head.
He shouldn’t even be allowed to video or have a scanner page
Slow and steady goes the ship called Salem Lakes !
We are all behind you Rita !!!
Great job Rita. We need to get rid of the three remaining board members that caused the damage.
Oh my God why hasn’t Faber Gandt and Hopkins been fired. They over saw all these employees. They had to know about all this. There is no way that they didn’t see this.
Just vote them out.
I don’t know who to blame but , I really was hoping for the next round of three to show up and finish the sweep.
If nothing else this just proves that Rita and the other three are all independent and aren’t themselves looking for backing and support.
On their own they will get it done.
Just have to wait till ‘26
Who are the three left
Standing behind Rita.
Bill Barhyte.
Jared Young.
Kelly Sweeting.
On their way out hoping to stay in.
Bill Hopkins.
Ron Gandt.
Dennis Faber.
Get rid of the incompetent old board members.
It’s so hard to wrap my head around what is going on. It all points to bad management and incompetence of the last board members. Bad decisions have ruined our village. The board members should not show their faces in public.
WHAT?? The entire job is politics!
THE ONLY WAY IT ISNT, is if you actually DO THE JOB! And we can see that he did not do the job.
Like Snellen, and Dunski, isn’t Allen Thennes a Silver Lake hold over? And Hopkins! Get rid of Hopkins!
What do they say, cut off he head of the Snake! In this case, a Silver Lake Snake?
Time is short for a write in campaign, and shortened even more to get the word out before early voting is possible, but it could be done. We have a new name to elect. We need two new names to run. Please.
I am waiting for someone in the office to walk the shame path.
Berg is next. Passing county info during campaign time.
What was he passing?
Great reporting , but this ain’t nothin compared to what I’ve seen go down at one of our local huge friendly pharma companies —- I wonder how many people bitching on here were part of those scams ?
Ooops that comment tis meant for the other article
Politics at its finest!!! Let’s find the only person to report on anything and feed him despite the fact that the person you all are feeding has a past as well!
Good job everyone for being sheeps
How about you get all your information from real sources before posted what may be truth!!!