Pleasant Prairie, Wis. – A dramatic arrest was announced today following a week-long investigation into a viral video that captured a shocking act of vandalism at a local Costco parking lot.
On Saturday, February 15th, 2025, at approximately 2:00 p.m., a Tesla video recorded a disturbing incident in which a man was seen repeatedly keying a vehicle. The footage, widely shared on social media, shows the individual circling the car and deliberately causing damage by scratching its surface not once, but twice.
After a thorough investigation, Pleasant Prairie Police have identified the suspect as 71-year-old James M. Jefferson, a resident of Pleasant Prairie. According to police records, Jefferson was apprehended and is now being held at the Kenosha County Jail pending charges.
Authorities have formally requested that the Kenosha County District Attorney’s Office file charges against Jefferson for felony criminal damage to property. The investigation, which quickly garnered community attention due to the video’s viral spread, is now moving to the next phase of the legal process.
James M. Jefferson is expected to be formally charged on Monday or Tuesday. He is presumed innocent.


45 Responses
Too old to be doing dumb sh$&. Moron
Felony? Held in jail. How much damage did he cause? Does he have any criminal history?
Normally there is a long list of past charges and convictions in articles about rapists, drug dealers, and other dangerous people who are or could be released on bond. They couldn’t do a summons and complaint? Why not?
Wow! He is actually locked up! I can sleep easy to tonight knowing that if you touch a Tesla in Pleasant Prairie you are going to be locked up.
Simple as that
Come on, he committed a hate crime! He should be sent to gitmo. Screw these people. Law and order is back!
We’re just happy that we didn’t have to falsely arrest any black people and beat them.
Because even we could tell this was a white guy this time around
We are disappointed he did not have a dog to shoot.
When is your court date?
Touch? Key my car and find out
Car? I bet you drive a big ass truck.
If you bother to read the story, you’ll see you over $2500 in damages
Said like a true libtard
Why? Because he’s old? At his age, he should know better. And he repeatedly keyed the car… I would expect him to be jailed. Why should stupidity get a pass?
$2500 + damage
What a dumb fuck
James M. Jefferson (D) is an asshole.
Asshat tried to shave and get a quick haircut to avoid getting caught. Keyed a Tesla because he doesn’t like Musk. Typical democrat move. Throw the book at the old fart
Typical? I’m a center left individual. I can honestly say that I don’t know anyone that would want to key a tesla. I rather detest Musk. Vandalizing personal property is worthy of an arrest for sure. Make fun of the cars all you want. Make fun of the man that runs the company. Call them Swatsticars, but don’t start vandalizing someone’s personal property. The absolutist false dichotomy of All conservatives are X and All liberals are Y is just destroying our nation and local community.
Yes, he does own Jefferson Electric. What an upstanding member of your community
Oh, good to know! Cancel culture can go both ways.
Typical Democrat behavior.
I want to see the video! What an idiot! Hope it was worth it dumbass!
Trump Derangement Syndrome and
Musk Derangement Syndrome are real!!!
Saw three pp police officers at his sons house yesterday
I will take my business elsewhere
Well done, I hope this continues a trend of how to handle this kind of thing. Besides, he’s probably a lot safer in the lockup then he would be on the street if they’d simply told the car owner his name…
Rack Him, what an idiot. If he’s 71 and doing that crap, he can’t be helped. At least pull his finger nails off so he can’t key anymore. Only kidding, but it would work.
Maybe it’s because of all the unnerving things I’ve read about on The Eye, but I don’t think keying a car qualifies as a “shocking act of vandalism.” If they managed to catch the right cat, give him a fine and time served, and tell him he’s a dumb F&C% that managed to land himself on The Eye. Nice work.
Where’s the video
Mug shot shows he’s not afraid
I think he must have something mentally wrong with him. 71 years old doing this? Pretty sure something is wrong with him. BTW…who owns the car? If the owner posted it on Social Media, who is the owner?
Have known him for years and must say I am shocked.He never talked crazy with me but there it is.Come on man!
I too have known him for years. Very surprised as he seemed like a normal guy to me.
what led to the keying? I’m curious as to why.
It’s a Tesla and he’s a democrat. Not much left to say.
You’re a tool, way to make up your own fitting narrative for politics……
What if the Tesla driver is a democrat who was busy putting on makeup while on theys/thems way to a DEI meeting and cut off this guy who was on his way to go listen to a Rittenhouse lecture?
like I said previously, I would like to know the whole story not some BS assumptions
That might be the case, but still…he shouldn’t have done it. I don’t think it warrants JAIL time though. Seems a bit extreme considering all the other criminals out there that walk away with no arrests and a slap on the wrist with a fine.
Geez! Look at Steinbrink Jr and how much he damaged Pleasant Prairie families and stole from the tax payers! ALOT MORE THAN $2500!!! He gets no arrest time until he FINALLY gets charged with a MISDEMEANER and 1 year in jail. What an upside down world! It doesn’t matter what side you are on, he should just be fined a vandalism charge and pay for the damages, not jail time( of course, unless he had a really crappy attitude with police, then maybe, but still…).
Never said the guy shouldn’t get punished. I just want to know why. You don’t just go key random cars.
I understand that. It’s so stupid he did it, but I just think it’s a bit extreme to put him in jail, unless, like I’m mentioned, he caused alot of grief when the police went to talk with him.
Mental illness
Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking..
Is his son as fucked up as his old man? I wonder if his electric company will service republican homes?
That is not his son..it’s his grandson. I raised the son…so do not bring him into this. He had nothing to do with it …PERIOD
Not his son…his grandson…he is MY son and has zero to do with any of this so leave him out of it
Make sure his business is limited to Democrat losers
I would love to see the video.