On August 25, 2020 a man named Gaige Grosskreutz learned a valuable lesson: don’t pull a gun on someone who has an AR-15. Just after Grosskreutz did just that, he was shot in the arm by Rittenhouse and is lucky to be alive. Gaige was protesting in Kenosha while armed last summer. We looked into Gaige’s troubling and violent arrest record. Since he was 14, he’s been breaking the law quite often. He has arrests for domestic violence, burglary, criminal damage to property, (2) DWI’s, possession of a firearm by a felon, possession of a firearm while intoxicated, prowling, and more. Somehow, he seemingly convinced a judge to expunge his burglary conviction. Even with this troubling record, Gaige can still legally carry a concealed weapon in Wisconsin.

On October 6 of 2020, Gaige was pulled over because he didn’t use his turn signal. His lawyer, who told the judge that this was a “unique case”, is trying to get the charge dismissed because she claims you don’t need to use a turn signal if there are no cars around. (Spoiler alert – There was a cop-car nearby) Grosskreutz was very uncooperative with police and refused to take the field sobriety tests. West Allis police obtained a search warrant from a judge for his blood and it came back from the lab at almost 3 times the legal limit. Police seemingly found drug paraphernalia in his car, but gave him a break. His friend, who was riding shotgun told police “he (Grosskreutz) was in the national media.” Click here to read the police report. For the first time, the public now has access to the body-cam footage:
5 Responses
Idiot gets donated almost $100,000 dollars and he still acts like a douche. I’m sure the attorney was happy to represent him thinking he had money and put him on a spotlight. He’s a tool. National media? More like national memes of the idiot This is what a failed justice system looks like. Multiple arrests and no penalty.
What a silly douche bag! I like the part where his buddy is being questioned and declares that he is going to stick with the second amendment and not answer questions (1:35:30), Wrong amendment dumb ass. Good thing for the Eye’s coverage of this. Without the Eye, this might very well have gotten swept under the rug by the Milwaukee County DA.
1. Kenosha County District Attorney Gravely has failed his duty to charge Grosskreutz with brandishing and pointing a gun at Rittenhouse during the Kenosha riots. 2. Grosskreutz’s second charge of DUI proves you can’t fix stupid. 3. The arresting officers were professional and polite. 4. Thanks for posting.
Kyle Rittenhouse did nothing wrong.
The only thing Kyle did wrong was miss Gaige’s head