Far-left progressive lawyer and single mother, Angela Cunningham has run two unsuccessful campaigns for office. Most recently, she ran for Judge in Kenosha County promising to use race in her decision-making from the bench. Apparently Kenosha wasn’t ready for this type of frindge policies.

Soon after the loss, embattled Kenosha District Attorney Mike Graveley gave Cunningham a job as a prosecutor in his office without considering other candidates. He was all too eager to add another progressive to his light-on-crime team. Cunningham told the Kenosha News about her new job and the liberal rag wrote a nice fluff piece about her.
Cunningham announced on social media a couple of days ago that she changed her mind. She said that she spoke with “friends and mentors” and decided that Graveley’s office wasn’t the best idea after all. She decided to stay away from the sinking ship.
Graveley is universally disliked by the left and right. He plays politics with charging decisions and is extremely light-on-crime. His office has made very serious mistakes – many that may have lead to deaths in the community. He is expected to retire because he knows the writing is on the wall. He is unelectable.

Cunningham is headed to Milwaukee to work for the public defender’s office. The state public defenders are sometimes seen as the least successfull and lowest paid attorneys in the state. Seems like the perfect fit for Cunningham.
4 Responses
There is no room for MARXIST leaning individuals in any public job in America.
BLM is a MARXIST Organization that does little for the very people they claim to represent. Those at the top of this MARXIST Organization are in it for selfish & personal enrichment purposes. The sympathies that DA Graveley has publicly expressed for BLM has been a blessing in disguise as this admission should tell anyone, everyone what kind of plastic bag, blowing in the wind, apparently lacking of a moral compass, human being he is.
To be honest she had no experience compared to Angelina Gabrielle. I mean she had joe cardnilli as a member on her election campaign. That says enough
You rock brother. Parasites is all I have to say.
Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.