Kenosha radio station WGTD 91.1FM is owned and operated by Gateway Technical college. Gateway Technical College is a public school that is funded by the Kenosha County tax-payers. Tyrone (Troy) McDonald is an employee of the college and thus, a government employee. In all, there are four employees at WGTD and many unpaid volunteers. WGTD general manager, David Cole makes $96,865. David McGrath -radio host earns $72,010. David Berg, the fine arts director makes $34.96/hour which would equate to $72,717 annually, (but we are told he works 15 hours/week), and finally McDonald, comes in at $61,896. This is all public record, as they are government employees. The total budget for the radio station is just under $400,000. David Cole, the general manager writes “news articles” for the station’s social media accounts and web page. His liberal, left-leaning slant doesn’t go unnoticed.

KCE just learned the above information last month. We had requested it months earlier, but outgoing Gateway President Bryan Albrecht delayed releasing the information as long as he could. This is why you are first hearing about this two years later.
Facebook Posts
During 2020 Tyrone McDonald made a series of posts to his Facebook account inciting looting, rioting, and even civil war. In one such post McDonald wrote in part: “Looting. I support looting. Here’s why…. I say take what ever you can fucking get from this forsaken land, black, white, asian or whatever.” In another post he incites rioting and violence saying in part : “The millennial rebellion….We are in the midst of the greatest rebellion since the 1960’s and headed towards massive civil unrest and potentially a civil war. OF WHICH I NOT ONLY WELCOME BUT SUPPORT!! Yes I said it.. and I don’t give two fucking shits either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!….If you are angry about a 55 inch television FUCK OFF…….” He goes on to say the MLK’s peaceful method of protest is now not “enough”, saying “Tear it down.. tear it down.. TEAR IT ALL THE WAY THE FUCK DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!”
In a Facebook post about Ahmaud Aubrey, McDonald wrote in part “I MIGHT LOSE MY JOB OVER THIS and to that I say FUCK IT….. This murder has showed us that killing black men is distinctly American…… White Supremacy is its heart beat.”
In another post about CNN’s Omar Jiminez he wrote in part “I may get in trouble for this.. but once again.. FUCK IT. I support the people who are lifting their voices and anger in Minneapolis. No Justice..No Peace”
The common theme throughout these posts, besides the condoning and inciting of looting, rioting and violence, is that McDonald feared he would get in trouble for the divisive and dangerous posts.
He didn’t. His bosses, David Cole and Bryan Albrecht were made aware of these posts many times by angry tax-payers, but we just learned last month that no discipline was issued. Albrecht was confronted on his own Facebook about the posts and Albrecht said “we had the discussion and he took the post down.” Indeed, McDonald had scrubbed all of theses posts. They were all gone, however, McDonald posted on Facebook that it was his choice. He said he stood by the posts, but said “it is not worth the hassle to have to deal with the constant back and forth…. For the record, no one has told me to take the posts down… I took them down on my own volition”
Where is McDonald now? He’s still raking in almost $70k a year from the taxpayers. He is even hosting a “candidate forum” next month in an attempt to influence the local Kenosha County elections. This is similar to what the library attempted to do, but was told not to due to laws prohibiting government employees from interfering with elections. We asked Albrecht if he will still host this forum. We haven’t heard back yet.

16 Responses
Why do we keep paying these idiots. A radio station is a waste of tax payer money, regardless of it’s political bias. The bias is just the cherry on top for those who love to spend other people’s money. Time to get new leadership in Kenosha and cut all these collectivist programs.
Besides fostering collateral damage this clown is of the ilk that is complicit in the murder of David Dorn.
WGTD needs to be totally defunded. By allowing radical Tyrone McDonald to remain on the air, the station is giving their approval to this lawless idiot.
30 year old, snot nose punk McDonald should be sent to a North Korean gulag for a reality check to appreciate the United States and its freedoms. Perhaps this kind of experience would make him a better person.
Last week we found out about the 120k librarian.
This week we find out about the 95k college radio salary.
How many make work non essential jobs for Democrates are there in Kenosha?
No wonder our property taxes are so high!
All we need are pot hole fillers, garbage men, human garbage men (aka law enforcement) and unfortunately teachers for all of the stupid kids in Kenosha.
And all those little punks need are a pencil and a spiral notebook to learn, if they want to, not a bunch of laptops and “technology”.
How many of those stupid little punks are your children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews?
Girl straight As.
Boy, Cs because the school system is run by women for women. Boys should be running the woods, wrestling, and learning skills from men.
I could buy them plenty of “educamation” for my annual 16k of property taxes Q.
I am happy that your kids did well in school. My two girls also did better than my boy. Maybe we should not be so quick to label everyone else’s kids as stupid little punks.
Relax Q. The KCE is a safe space for hyperbole and non pc conversation!
Peace out ✌️
That’s cool if he is OK with looting…..but how would he feel about it if we posted his address and encouraged looting at his place?
Doubt he would be in favor….
I need a new 55” and he looks like a candy ass pussy.
What a idiot. Of course the democrats of kenosha protect the hypocrites in this shit town