Kenosha businessman Jeff Milkie, one of the three owners of Dick’s Roofing, plead guilty in Federal Court this year to Conspiracy to Defraud the United States. Milkie and his partners withheld about $1.5 Million dollars in income from the IRS. Milkie is on the board of directors at the Boys & Girls Club of Kenosha as well.

We reached out to B&GC executive director Tara Panasewicz to ask what the board’s intention was, to allow Milkie to remain, or oust him. She told us that she reports to the board and we would need to ask the board. KCE emailed local attorney, Matt Troha, the president of the board, to ask him. He ignored our email. We spoke to him on the phone today, and he told us he wasn’t going to respond and abruptly hung up. We also attempted contact with Milkie, himself and didn’t hear back.
Those that oppose Milkie remaining on the board argue that the board should be comprised of upstanding members of integrity, and role models. When the wealthy fraudulently withhold income from the IRS, the law abiding tax-payers have to pay more.
We will be following the board’s actions, if any and report back.
7 Responses
Maybe B&GC should be your next project.
Give time and donations to this organization?
Where did former court admin frank pacetti work prior to being handed the reigns at the city of kenosha? That’s right troha’s trucking firm which also was busted for not paying taxes and also bribing the former sherif and county executive., birds of a father, currupt together. Yet these are the leaders that tell us what is right and wrong. Keep up the great work kev
How was the holidays with the wife and kids? Oh wait you left the country without them!!!???
After asking around for myself in regard to Mr. Milkie and his involvement in the community and Boys and Girls Club it is quite clear that this man has given more time and money to this club than probably anyone else. Was his case for being a murderer, rapist or worst a pedophile? No, so this should be why he can’t help out those in need with his time and/or money? Who else is going to step up and sacrifice their time and money as Mr. Milkie has? It’s easy to sit here and point fingers and demand action when you do nothing for the community or its less fortunate. Many others that I have spoken with share my opinion that Mr. Milkie should be allowed to stay on the board and keep giving to the children as he has. Thats a decision the board has to make, and I wish Mr. Milkie well and thank you for all of your past and future contributions to the children in need in our great city.
al Capone gave back to his city, but was still a bad guy, so because this guy gives his embezzled money to the Boys and girl club it OK. Let’s keep him.
So, the theory is again if you have Money its ok. The guy who does this page
has done more for Kenosha, then anyone else that is here, He has exposed the bs, which many don’t like, He has worked more for the taxpayers then the ones we pay to. You want a great City again !!! expose the ones that are making it bad!!!!