Country Thunder is underway for the 2023 season in Twin Lakes, WI. Music, friends, family, food, and of course, beer. A lively crowd is ready for this year’s festivities. KCE walked through the campground, and the main stage area today, and the folks we spoke to, mainly from southern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois, were having fun while waiting for the live entertainment to begin. We saw a makeshift swimming pool, a man using a zero-turn lawn-mower to travel around the camping area, a two-story trailer called “the barn”, and a large presence of law enforcement from the Sheriff’s Department ready to keep the peace. Please enjoy some fun photos from today.



Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye




(Cell Phone Photo by Kevin Mathewson)
19 Responses
Did you get any photos of former Sheriff Beth slamming a few down?
He may be on the banned list….
Smells like freedom!
Looks like there won’t be any rain so the former Sheriff won’t be bringing his backhoe there to back into any vehicles and then leave the scene. Hopefully the former sheriff won’t be there harassing teenage girls and have it caught on video.
I doubt he’s bringing his daughter’s entire volleyball team using tickets he was given by the promoter. Corruption ran wild with our former sheriff and former county Exec. Thank God they are gone and we have some honest, ethical people in their places.
Scantily clad girls and guys…I’ve always hated this festival. It’s so redneck and trashy, but then again, so is the county.
So you prefer the woman dressed like a hooker at the rap concerts?
Tell us you’re a Karen without telling us you’re a Karen.
Tell us you’re a liberal without telling us you’re a liberal.
This is great!! It’s so easy to get people fired up over the dumbest sh!t!!
Anonymous…There are always other countries to move to that have less freedom, like ANY other country if THIS one doesn’t suite you. If you dont like what you see, keep scrolling.
If you can’t use proper grammar, spelling & punctuation you should refrain from posting. Suite?
Al least our county executive was the only public official to speak out after a black reporter was harassed and called the N-word in front of laughing spectators. On top of flying a Confederate flag it once again makes Kenosha look bush league.
And what would you expect a bunch of blacks would do to a white reporter at rap festival in a liberal city? STFU.
Act surprised.
Going through the last several anonymous comments makes me wonder if it’s the same person whose bored and just playing “both sides of the field”… ?Give yourself a name, any name so people can respond to the right anonymous ?
Honestly, surprised how many nice tits you found. Lovely.
Do we have the scoreboard from Country Blunder, i.e., arrests, sexual assaults, broken noses, etc.