(Kenosha County Sheriff)
After being on the run for 20 days, Chrystul Kizer, the accused murderer is behind bars again. This, according to a source familiar with the investigation. Kizer is accused of killing Kenosha pedophile Randall Volar III on June 5, 2018, torching his house, and stealing his car. Kizer had her $400,000 bail paid by liberal groups and has been free ever since. United States Marshals found Kizer in Louisiana. Kizer is in the Lafayette Parish Jail and will be extradited to Wisconsin in the coming days.

Kizer has active warrants from Kenosha for four felonies of bail jumping and one warrant out of Milwaukee County for domestic abuse disorderly conduct.
See articles for latest developments:
This is a breaking story.
29 Responses
Let’s hope she stays locked up where she belongs and the liberals in charge don’t turn her loose. I bet those libs who gave her the $400K are so “proud” of her
She will be released, she should be locked up for life
For a group of people who hate drag queens, pedophiles, queers, homosexuals, you are all very quick to condemn a young black girl who killed the baby rapist who was having sex with her and many other underaged black girls. That tends to show that you really are a bunch of racists.
You realize she reached out to him for work right? You realize that she committed premeditated murder right? The wasn’t having sex with him, she willingly drove there. Also you realize she was on bond and on the run for over 20 days and with two felony warrants? But don’t let pesky facts in your way, just play the race card.
I defended her for quite awhile, but turned against her as it became clearer that she didn’t kill Volar to protect herself but rather to steal his car. She’s a dangerous person who needs to be in custody.
Yep, they kept portraying her as an innocent little baby mammal that fell off a branch into a river full of crocodiles, and completely white washed or ignored the main points of her purposely coming to Kenosha with a gun to the house of someone she was supposedly terrified and enslaved by. I’m sure that’s a textbook case for many other people, many other people that are in prison for murder. Wisconsin doesn’t have the death penalty, so anytime you travel for miles to shoot someone, you are not committing Justice. I don’t think society will miss him one bit, but her actions show that she cannot be left on the loose either. She couldn’t even behave back up in Milwaukee on bail with going to jail hanging over her head, what will she be like if the idiots let her off of a murder rap, arson rap, grand theft auto rap? In Milwaukee she once again was hanging out with someone who she supposedly was afraid of and who had no problems trafficking her. Broken record, broken
What do homosexuals have to do with it?
agree, kenosha folks are a bunch of racist jerks. no way a young white girl gets treated this poorly.
B.S. Stop excusing criminal behavior because of the race card , it doesn’t matter what color you are trash is trash ! She’s a cold blooded murderer !
no, that just shows that she is also a criminal, just like the guy who raped her. If she were innocent, she would not have run. You are showing your racist colors towards conservatives.
Yea, right. . .
So what happens to the bail money?
I imagine that nothing will happen to it as long as she appears for trial. Kevin might know the rules in WI.
Here is how it generally works.
If you post bail for someone and they don’t show up for any court appearance then the bond can be forfeited.
Some people who have posted bail for someone else have found this out the hard way. Also, even if bond isn’t forfeited upon a conviction court financial obligations can be deducted from the bond and the balance, if any, refunded to the poster.
Occasionally someone who posted has second thoughts and is worried about losing the bail money. There is a way around it in the law. The poster literally has to surrender the defendant to the court which means bringing him or her to the courthouse and telling a judge you no longer want to be the “surety” for the defendant. In that case the defendant will be returned to custody unless someone else posts his or her bond. This doesn’t happen very often but it has happened.
How far did she get?
What do homosexuals have to do with it?
the queers,pedophiles,rapists,and drag queens all belong to the same club as perverts.They should have jackets.
Ok Hitler
So will her lawyer face charges for lying? Didn’t the last article state her lawyer said she just didn’t have a ride?
I’m glad she got a sex trafficking pedophile off the streets but she’s messing up now with new charges. I hope she can get the help she needs.
The help she needs is 8-10 years in prison — look what prison did for Cyntoia Brown down in Tennessee— she accomplished A LOT — basically purged the hood right outta herself — but that won’t happen. She will walk right back out into the streets to continue her hood rat life
Get on with the trial so the jury can come back with not guilty and she can get on with her life.
That’s probably what will happen , and then we will hear from her again in her next fuck-up .
Stop using the race card for criminal behavior, trash is trash no matter what color you are, she is a cold blooded murderer and that’s that !
Wow I’m surprised she had the brains to make it to Louisiana
Innocent people don’t run, especially when a group of democrats believe a fake agenda and fork up $400,000. All you idiots that believe she is a victim explain why she ran? And had warrants. Wake up clowns
In addition to arson and grand theft auto, she was also a convicted felon in possession of a firearm, not to mention prostitution. Now felony bail jumping? Lock this bitch up and throw away the key. Oh, and why was her bail less than a quarter of Rittenhouse’s bail??? I hope the bail is forfeited so those clowns who posted it lose it.