(Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department)
A Pleasant Prairie Police dispatcher is in the Kenosha County jail today, after being arrested this morning. Brian J. Gildenstern, 33, of Kenosha has been accused by police of possession of child pornography and exposing a child to harmful material, both felonies. The maximum prison sentence for each count of possession child poynography is 25 years. The minimum sentence is two years. Judges, however can run multiple counts concurrently, or at the same time. The maximum sentence for each count of exposing a child to harmful material is 3.5 years.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Contacted by KCE Friday evening, Pleasant Prairie Police Chief Dave Smetana said that Gildenstern has been on leave for some time and was on leave at the time of his arrest today. Gildenstern is not permitted to be on Village property.
Gildenstern has been a 9-1-1 dispatcher for the police department for more than 10 years. Dispatchers in Wisconsin are not sworn members of the department. Online records show that Gildenstern was recently married and had a baby.

(Photo by Daniel Gaitan, Kenosha.com – Used With Permission)
Smetana told KCE that he may issue a statement soon, but only if and when Gildenstern is charged. KCE will be in court Monday or Tuesday when he is expected to be charged.

(Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department)
This is a breaking story.
52 Responses
Disgusting, only good that can come of this is that Smetana is pushed (rolled out the door) out the door.
What does Smetana have to do with this? He can’t control what his dispatchers do!!
Smetana covers for the corruption within… that’s what he has to do with this! Gildenstern acquired the name Gildenstalker within the department because he used to creep on people online and using department resources.
Perhaps if Smetana had ordered an investigation into Gildenstern at the time he got his nickname Gildenstalker, and took it seriously maybe Gildenstern would not have a wife right now going through hell.
His employee had numerous judgements against him where his paycheck was garnished. This can be an indicator of bad judgement and bizarre behavior. Furthermore, many departments do an employee check into their background to keep on top of this periodically. Smetana does not. Once employees at PPPD are hired you are good for your career. Check ccap.
Unfortunately, that is how ALL government employers are. Once your hired, that’s it. No more background checks are done. Commit a felony in a far away state and don’t tell them where you work, the government agency will never know. It’s pathetic that government agencies don’t do background checks every few years.
Exception, your DL will be checked especially if you’re required to drive in your position.
Does KPD and KSD run updated checks? I don’t think so.
Just another example of the village board hiding the dirt it was well know he was creepy, protecting their own by hiring Smetana whose job was to protect board members not the citizens.
Another degenerate j-w. What a coincidence.
They are the evil in this world
Is there anyone good in our community anymore? These stories are so depressing.
Nope, only the greedy and selfish go to government jobs
A perfect candidate for a KUSD teaching position, he should apply.
Several years try like more than 15 years he has been employed with the Village.
Cut his balls off and give them to his new
wife as a parting gift.
Imagine how many of these stories would be just swept under the
carpet if we had to count on that incompetent Kenosha fish wrapper to break stories.
Stop insulting MAD 😂—- the best fish-wrapper
Kenosha News is more suitable for toilet paper
This is sad and disgusting.
The sheer volume of despicable conduct reported by Kevin Mathewson poses the question of how much in the past was kept hush-hush an never reported by Kenosha’s “legacy” radio and print news media.
Almost without exception the perps are supposedly supervised and the responsibility of elected officials, who it seems, are never held responsible for anything.
Thanks Mr. Mathewson for keeping us informed.
This. 100%
Send him, Berg, Weiss and all of these other degenerates that claim to be Gods chosen but are not to their Balfour declaration terror state of Israel that accepts pedophiles before Iran blows it off the map.
That terror state can fight their own war and don’t let that orange piece of shit that became one of them in 2017 at the wailing wall convince you that they are our ally or that you should send your sons and daughters to fight in another one of their wars. They would be fighting for degenerates like this Gildenstern, Berg and all the others that have corrupted our republic (it’s not a democracy) destroyed our currency and so much more.
They are both foreign and domestic terrorists and should be treated as such. Now let’s hear all of you defend them but before doing so give just one thing that they have done to help the US that’s not degeneracy.
You need to educate yourself about the pedophelia that is allowed in Islam
Deflection tactic. Look over there while ignoring what’s here.
We do not have a problem with Islamic degenerates in our county but we do have one with Jewish degenerates. We do not have a problem with Islamic dual citizen congress/senate people voting to send our money to Islamic states but we do have that with congress/senate people that have dual citizenship with terror state of Israel and the US that rob our tax dollars to enrich people of terror state of Israel and Israel 2.0 (Ukraine) and these same people keep printing money that causes the steep inflation that robs people of their savings. Islamists aren’t running the federal reserve but we know who does and what the US government does to Islamic countries that aren’t part of their banking system.
The problem is noticeable.
What about sheep ?
What’s the problem CD’s are back up to 5% —- do want the Dukes of Hazard running the federal reserve????
Adolf Hitler composed many reasons to dispose of Jews and justified them in his Satanic Mind also along with his political enemies, social undesirables and labeled them as enemies of the Reich. Can you just focus on Gildenstern, the degenerate, without sounding like your Führer?
Well, he didn’t actually and that whole thing didn’t happen as we have been told but thats another issue for another time.
I’ll focus on Gildenstern and I’ll even stick up for him. Gildenstern is of course one of Gods chosen according to what we know about these wonderful people and so we must look at their most religous book, the Talmud. Gildernstern being one of Gods chosen, has every right to do what he did according to the Talmud/Tradition of the Elders. I pulled some supporting verses to help in his defense. This most holy book can be found in all of the synagogues.
Yebhamoth 11b:
Sexual intercourse with a little girl is permitted if she is three years of age.
Aboda Sarah 37a:
A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated.
Gad. Shas. 2:2:
A Jew may violate but not marry a non-Jewish girl.
Hopefully I sounded more like a Rabbi, than Hitler.
Meh, this is just ancient Jews kavetching about terrible what-if’s , not necessarily advocating for it . Creepy? Yes, but only the weirdo Haredi know the whole Torah — curious , are you angry because you got yourself a PhD economics degree from a big east coast school and got turned down for the Federal Reserve chairmanship? Do WASPS even go for economics degrees???
Pleasant Prairie might want to change their name to Degenerateville.
Hell’s Flat
… which apparently encompasses Kenosha as well
They could call it “Tel Aviv”.
Smetana is doing such a great job running that department. He cost the village over a million dollars in one federal lawsuit and has another one pending. His officers and staff are committing crimes in numbers and getting away with it. Smetana is corrupt! He needs to go. That dispatcher was weird and has been there well over 12 years. That entire department is a joke!!!
Village needed to do a better background investigation before hiring him. There is a reason Racine hid Smetana in internal affairs. Way to go Village.
Smetana wasn’t the right color to be chief in Racine.
Did Steinbrink meet Smetana at an all you can eat buffet line?
It’s amazing how much corruption and perversion exists in Kenosha County agencies and schools. This is one county out of, I don’t even know how many counties nationwide. I know we can’t paint everyone with the same brush but think of it, all of this in just one county. No wonder our country is in such a disasterous state. Wake up parents and start putting God and morality first in your family. And, pay close attention to what your kids are learning and from who!
How is this related to everyone in Pleasant Prairie including the Chief of Police? It sounds like the chief had him banned from the property most likely because of this investigation. Wasn’t that the right thing to do?
The right thing to do would have been to start looking into his conduct ten years ago when he acquired the nickname Gildenstalker for being such a creep!
Of which the Chief knew about his nickname.
Someone explain how we can charge a degenerate like this with exposing a child to harmful material, but can’t go after teachers and administrators for submitting children to drag clowns or blue haired tranny teachers pushing gender changes on kids.
Let’s start busting more of the pedos hiding behind religion… pretending they’re someone special and using that trust to rape kids.
Drag queens wear dresses and read books to children without touching them.
Priests wear dresses, read out of a book to children, then rape them for years.
BIG difference.
Be quit..despite the story today that rarely fits the agenda here. Churches are good and public schools are bad….tow the line.
Wrong there have been SEVERAL cases of drag queens being charged for rape and pedophilia. Perverts also hide behind “fake” religious groups such as CUSH and Bradford (that’s a rabbit hole in itself)…
Show me any legit source that shows it’s any more prevalent. I’ll patiently wait.
Here are a few. Before you mention a anything about “the source”, go ahead and research these cases on your own..
Again…that show any higher prevalence than any other community. Still waiting.
Huh? Sooo these cases mean nothing to you? Are you a groomer yourself? Joel is that you ProTip?
Kenosha news isn’t even good for toilet paper. It’s bias about the shit they print so I don’t think our crap is good enough for them.
The Village just posted this. Let’s celebrate dispatcher Brian.
Every year in April, the telecommunications personnel in the public safety community, are honored as first responders and the sacrifices they make to serve the public, we encourage to #LightUpGold during National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week. To all of what most people call Unseen Heroes, thank you. 💛
There’s several others working there that have nothing to do with this and are outstanding at their job. Go troll somewhere else moron.