A Racine county judge signed a $5,000 arrest warrant yesterday for a Pleasant Prairie woman who stands accused of embezzling more almost $100,000 from her Racine County-based employer.
According to the criminal complaint:

On October 30, 2023 at approximately 2:15 p.m. hours. A police officer with the Mount Pleasant Police Department was dispatched to a heavy equipment company on the Racine County frontage road in the Village of Mount Pleasant for a employee theft report. The officer spoke to the owner who told police his former employee, Amber Fierke, was stealing money from his company.
Fierke’s work responsibilities were to handle payroll and pay the company bills. The owner stated for the last 3-4 months, Fierke had been only working 4 to 5 hours a week. He became concerned about Fierke’s poor job performance and started looking at her work. When he looked into the payroll, he noticed she had been paying herself overtime that she never worked, paying herself extra money on her paychecks and making out payroll checks to herself for work weeks she hadn’t even worked yet.
It was determined that Fierke had cashed these checks at US Bank using the ATM machine. The owner had an accountant go through his payroll back to January 1, 2023 to when Fierke was terminated on September 22, 2023. The accountant determined that since January 1, 2023 Fierke had stolen $61,878.75. The accountant determined that Fierke had stolen $36,843.75 in overtime pay and the rest was her overpaying herself. The owner stated that Fierke’s position was not a position that had any overtime. In addition to paying herself for overtime that she did not work, it was discovered Fierke also paid herself extra money on her paycheck and made out payroll checks for weeks that she has not even worked yet. The owner stated that Fierke’s average payroll check after deductions was approximately $800.00 a pay period. He provided copies of the fraudulent payroll checks Fierke made and cashed ranging from $1,341.80 to $1,546.01.
An investigator with the police department was provided with a copy of the termination letter dated September 25, 2023. The owner advised Fierke did not show up to work on September 25th or 26th and she was given the termination letter when she showed up on Wednesday September 27, 2023. In reviewing the “Paycheck Detail” reports as well as the actual payroll checks generated, Fierke created and paid herself several additional paychecks for pay periods after she had been terminated, and therefore did not work during those pay periods.

In breaking down all of the information provided in the spreadsheet, it was established the total amount that Fierke overpaid herself in 2022-2023 was $45,854.99 based on net pay based on 40-hour work weeks. The total amount that Fierke overpaid herself in 2022-2023 was $50,246.25 based on gross pay, again, amount based on 40-hour work weeks.
The owner advised that Fierke did not have consent to overpay herself and he wanted to pursue charges. He advised law enforcement that Fierke did not work any overtime during the pay periods for these paychecks.

(Racine County Sheriff)

(Racine County Sheriff)

(Kenosha County Sheriff)
If convicted, Fierke faces up to ten years in prison. Fierke does have a minor arrest record for D/C, etc.

If Ms. Fierke’s name sounds familiar, that’s because she is the mother of the accused killer, Ajay G. Pierangeli, 21, of who is accused of killing two people and injuring two others. It is unknown if the money Fierke allegedly embezzled was to pay for her son’t expensive attorney. We asked Attorney Dennis Malowski who didn’t immediately return our email.

When covering this case, Fierke had some not-so-nice things to say to KCE and “gave us the hand.” Today, we “give her the hand.” Amber, please turn yourself into the nearest police or Sheriff’s Department to face the piper. She called me a loser, but she may be the biggest loser here.
26 Responses
What is it with the criminal elements in PP??? Is it the water??? Also , I must rant —- the village name itself is GAY — I always call it Pleasant Peanus Prairie — please clean house & change the name to a cool Indian name or something
Da fuk you talking about? Weirdo.
That’s KCE payback. Don’t give KCE “the hand.”
Also, I would say “face the music” or “pay the piper.” But I like your blend of the two sayings.
Why only a $5000 bond?She stole $100k and is hiding from police. So much corruption
I don’t remember, but what did Steinbrink Jr get for a bond?
Maybe it will get passed off to the DA office in Racine and it will all be reduced to 3 misdemeanors….just like Steinbrink Jr’s case. Although…it was good that the judge made some adjustments in that plea deal and held him a little bit accountable for what Steinbrink JR did.
As they say, karma’s only a bitch if you are.
She should go work for the Government, they do this to us everyday.
Or Abbott/Abbvie
Wow. Not surprised. I wonder how many members of the Rizzo/Pierangeli family will be writing letters to the judge asking for leniency for this family member, as well.
It will be very interesting to see this sentencing vs Steinbrinks.
From the DA to the Judge.
All involved will handle it differently.
Maybe…it depends on her “connections”, but it will be interesting to watch just the same
Photo of “unknown obnoxious woman” is Anissa, Amber Fierke’s daughter and the sister of Ajay Pierangeli.
Thank you!
No one asked for her name? Maybe we can get yours?
Dennis should be a little nervous about forfeiture of his fees… Mommy could have been using the stolen funds to pay for the turd’s legal defense.
Hopefully she gets the same treatment as john Steinbrink, but i bet she won’t !!!!!!
She’s probably smoking rocks with Corey Mason up in Racine.
Is Amber still on the run? Why can’t she be found?
This entire family thinks they can get away with anything and are untouchable. It is so sad. Even Cousin Rizzo is running St. Joe’s into the ground. This type of attitude runs deep with this crew.
She should put in an application with the Village! Maybe HR director or something. She could fill Carol Willke’s shoes.
Oh my, the years have not been kind to Amber, who was once a very beautiful and sweet person. Fast forward to 2024, she looks like she should be driving a garbage truck for the city. As for the Rizzo, Ruffalo and Pierangeli families, I give them all credit for Kenosha being an unfriendly and racist city. The Italian population of Kenosha has always thought they were above the law, extremely arrogant and snobby.
Sorry I am a full blooded Italian and never felt elite worked my butt off as a RN .