The above is NOT photo-shopped, or otherwise altered. This…..is…..a….real….post. Meet Whitney Cabal. She also goes by “Billy Violet” and “Billy Violet II” on Facebook. This is actually against Facebook Terms of Service. Don’t waste your time reporting her. Hundreds have, but since she’s a loony leftist, Facebook leaves her alone.
Whitney is a common attendee of Kenosha County Board meetings, Kenosha Unified School Board meetings, and well… Riots.
It is unknown how long she has lived in the area, but here are some videos to watch. It is highly possible that she suffers from some type of ailment, medically or otherwise. Still yet, her friends parade her around at these meetings like a sideshow.
She advocated for violence, looting, rioting, and yeah, there’s drunk yoga.
Enjoy, or not, the below videos:
In the above video, Whitney is the guest on an online talk show and she seemingly condones violence, looting and rioting.
In this video, she brags about being on a texting basis with Kenosha DA Michael Graveley and others.
The above video was from a 9/22/2020 KUSD Board meeting. KUSD censored the ” ‘F’ Bombs”. WOWZERS
And Finally, Drunk and Singing Off Key….Yoga?
There are some people in the community that take this woman seriously. That should scare you Kenosha County.
17 Responses
Are we having fun yet?
Stop deleting comments because you look more pathetic doing it
Boy you really have a hard on for her. You just made yourself look pathetic and weak by posting this but what else is new it’s how people see you anyways
You are pretty sad deleting comments because they call you out ?. I’m just going to keep posting comments showing the world what everyone already knows. You have a hard on for someone and you are pathetic.
Every time you delete I’m just going to repost.
Boy you really have a hard on for her. You just made yourself look pathetic and weak by posting this but what else is new it’s how people see you anyways
I can do this all night
Boy you really have a hard on for her. You just made yourself look pathetic and weak by posting this but what else is new it’s how people see you anyways
Your site is getting reported to the ftc for harassment of individuals there are a few hundred doing it
Why delete people’s comments? Be a man if it’s possible and let them stay you deleting makes you a bigger snowflake than you already are. But you are FAKE NEWS
Billy is amazing!
Suck it up snowflake you are fake news and everyone knows it
News? This isn’t news. This is rabid foam at the mouth opinion by ?♀️ who knows? Didn’t see a name proudly claiming the drivel puked onto this page
Why dont you all do something good instead of harassing this page. This Billy Violet has also done some pretty fucked up shit and calls it activism. Its not activism, its a spoiled brat who is in a manic state spreading bullshit a d wants to be famous. She pulled all her shit down from her page as she was acting a fool, but no one says a word about that. You want her to lead us, hell no, she doesnt represent me or my family. She doesnt even use her real name, so why hid. She treats people nice until she doesnt get her way and then she pouts. She reacts first then apologizes. I dont agree with blasting her like this page does but when you are getting harassed over and over I get why this page is up. Poor Billy/Whitney someone gave her a test of her own medicine and her little minions who so blindly follow fight her battles for her.
Zip it you are just as pathetic as the pos running this rag
Alli, while appearing to be an average 40 IQ simpanzee, is actually the inbred potato shape that is called Whitney. Let’s see how she reacts…