Kenosha County Eye
“I was nominated for the Local Emergency Planning committee by County Executive Samantha Kerkman. The people put their trust in her to choose appointees wisely, and County Executive Kerkman knows my background and my dedication to our community. I was a 911 dispatcher for 5 years, and have worked directly with police, firefighters, and EMS throughout my career. I also served on the Public Safety and Welfare Committee for 2 years as a Kenosha Alderman, a position to which I was elected twice. It’s no secret that I’m a controversial figure in Kenosha County, but to say I’m an extremist or a racist is ridiculous on its face. My commitment to uncovering the truth and saying the quiet part out loud is a threat to many who rely on the corruption that runs through Kenosha County, so it’s reasonable to assume that’s why they’re displeased with my nomination. Many dozens of people have been emailing the County Board in support of my nomination, and I’m extremely grateful to those folks. Those who are critical of my actions and statements during the 2020 riots must not love this community the same way I do. Our city was burning to the ground, and people were being veritably hunted. It seemed only logical to advocate for the Second Amendment and to encourage self-defense during such a dark time. I feel honored to have been nominated, and I will always support the right to defense and safety for everyone in our community.”
-Kevin Mathewson – Editor, Kenosha County Eye
32 Responses
So are you in. Or still need to vote
You give the truth regardless on which side of the fence you’re on and I appreciate that. There are times you even disagreed with Samantha Kerman’s action (or lack of action) pertaining to the “no guns allowed” signs being up for so long after they we voted by the County Board to have them removed. Again, I appreciate you not showing bias, but plain facts. I enjoy your professional journalism and I’m glad you were nominated.
Saw this in the news and I laughed my ass off. Anytime the local race-baiters get upset is something to celebrate…..
“Dozens of local community activists and concerned citizens spoke out against Kenosha County Executive Samantha Kerkman’s recent appointees to county volunteer commissions…………….”This is a developing story. A Kenosha News reporter is covering the demonstration and tonight’s meeting.”
Truth to power will always win just like white hats will prevail!
I might add that the only person who can wear a mask is the LONE RANGER!
It was funny to see that the local activists were all white except the one who was speaking. It seems like the liberals always find it necessary to show the non-white community what they should be doing and how to do it. The “dozen protestors” probably went for soy coffee and vegan doughnuts after the protests.
I am offended by the Black Leaders Organizing Communities (BLOC). By the woke prinviples, they should be shut down. When will that happen?
What have all the people in the video/s done that would merit any of them o be nominated? Are they the actual extremeists? Bragging as to being in office since 2008 is a sign that he has not been sucessful in the job nad should be gone. I did not hear of any suggested names, only complaints, no constructive comments.
Do they have a permit? Don’t they need a permit?
In my opinion, they are a nuisance troop, a club, actors, wannabees who have a small voice found only in the Kenosha News.
There’s good money in being a nuisance troop, a club, actors, and want to be who have a small voice and very little actual backing from the communities they purport to speak for.
If we’re going to have conversations about problems and issues in our community then we need to have everyone at the table, including those with whom we may not agree.
There’s good money in being a nuisance troop, a club, actors, and want to be who have a small voice and very little actual backing from the communities they purport to speak for.
Some people we don’t need at the table, ones who lie and advocate for violence or destruction of the city, or speak in racist terms while pretending to fight racism, the kind that will try and cut a deputies handoff in a courtroom door and brag about it later in the name of peaceful protest. Some people are not needed on any governmental boards, they’re not even wanted in decent society.
No, it’s also important to hear from people whose views we detest.
As a veteran who served this country I defended the rights of everyone and those rights are meaningless unless they don’t also apply to people with whom we disagree. We have far too much shouting at each other. Maybe breaking bread and hearing each other out is a better idea.
If it weren’t for this site, we wouldn’t get an honest reporting of Kenosha’s current news.
Spot on!
Keep shinning light on all the curruption and evil doings in our city. They appose your nomination because they know they might be the next in the spot light. ?
The nomination of Kevin Mathewson to the Local Emergency Planning Committee by County Executive Samantha Kerkman is a breath of fresh air. The local Communist Democrat Party has its grips on The Kenosha News and another Bolshevik outlet called the Southeast Wisconsin Labor Times whose editor has a seat on the KUSD Board. Time for some Checks and Balances.
If you want Truth, you’ll find it here. If your ears get tickled by Lies, go to the two Leftist Propaganda outlets previously mentioned. Sadly that’s not enough, many of the unhinged Left disgustingly export their harassment here and attempt to character assassinate Kevin Mathewson for being a purveyor of Truth. May Kevin’s nomination succeed to appointment.
Too many don’t know which group of people was behind the Bolshevik revolution and how many of those changed their names so that they weren’t identifiable by their last names like cohen, Levi, or end in “stein” “berg” “feld” “baum”.
Revelation 3:9 reveals it clearly as does John 8:44. Our present reality is still a shadow of the past. This group of people have always been degenerates and they are now in the form of activists, “reporters” (not KM obviously), professors, free masons and politicians that use our laws against us to allow for our slow demise while keeping us from snuffing these brood of vipers out when we realize who they are.
You are all hat, no cattle.
What is the LEPC and What does it do?
Local Emergency Planning Committees
Under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), Local or Tribal Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs or TEPCs) must develop an emergency response plan, review the plan at least annually, and provide information about chemicals in the community to citizens. Plans are developed by these emergency planning committees with stakeholder participation. There is one emergency planning committee for each of the more than 3,000 designated local and tribal emergency planning districts. The emergency planning committee membership must include (at a minimum):
Elected state, local, and tribal officials;
Police, fire, civil defense, and public health professionals;
Environment, transportation, and hospital officials;
Facility representatives; and
Representatives from community groups and the media.
In 2008, EPA conducted a Nationwide Survey of Local Emergency Planning Committees to track the progress and learn the practices and preferences of the emergency planning committees.
What are the required elements of a community emergency response plan?
Identification of facilities and transportation routes of extremely hazardous substances.
Description of emergency response procedures, on and off site.
Designation of a community coordinator and facility emergency coordinator(s) to implement the plan.
Outline of emergency notification procedures.
Description of how to determine the probable affected area and population by releases.
Description of local emergency equipment and facilities and the persons responsible for them.
Outline of evacuation plans.
A training program for emergency responders (including schedules).
Methods and schedules for exercising emergency response plans.
So this is primarily to work about planning, training and responding to chemical released in the community. Best of luck on the new assignment.
Someone has to keep the radical leftwing nation wreckers in check.
They piss on everything we hold sacred.
They have sucked the backbone out of the country for over 50 years.
They worship money and are the most powerful people in America.
They pretend to care about the poor.
They pretend to care about the ghettos.
They pretend to care about criminals, minorities and LGBTQN groups.
They say we hate, but they are the true haters.
If they are not stopped, they will completely destroy your country and its people.
Unfortunately they underestimate how many millions of Americans understand what is going on.
Your gaslighting and projection are over the top.
Every point, on point.
Why is it the “grievance hustlers” only show up when they want to disrupt the process? I watched the video of citizens comments. Wow! They talks about how disgusting Kevin and his website are but never once did they say he was wrong. Children will always act out when they don’t get their way, and it showed at this meeting. It was so sweet to see Anthony throw a kiss to his butt partner and county board member Andy… Two grievance hustlers who single handily lost the majority on the county board with the “love ya baby” hustling.
When you’ve upset the race baiters and poverty pimps this much, you know you’re doing the right thing for the community.
Kevin, we support you all the way, next YOU NEED TO RUN FOR MAJOR. You have more people backing you then you think, Make Kenosha great again …..
Stop the political corruption . make the KPD/DA/JUDGES/PUBLIC WORKS , ALL ACCOUNTABLE GO GET THEM …
Kevin you’re a great reporter and well qualified for this position.
But first you have to acknowledge you do have antisemites lurking on here, maybe full blown nazis. I sure hope you’re not going to accept them as your supporters through silence about this.
Kevin for mayor ,
Berg sure is mad!!!! Hypocritical to bash considering when you support Biden and his administration. But hey it’s vote blue no matter who with them. But when you vote against them watch out
i second the motion for Kevin for major !
They need to pass a law requiring all the radical leftwing shit heads raise their families in the most violent, dangerous neighborhoods in the country after all them are defunded. They love preaching to everyone how we must pay more taxes, fund more social welfare programs and accept everyone within our society. Start with the wealthiest Hollywood, media, financial kingpins and university shitheads first. Let them get a good taste of how their young children and grandchildren begin to change before their eyes. When their whole family begins to look and sound like a gangster rapper video we will be sitting back laughing our asses off. Keep Hope Alive Baby !!
I 3rd the motion for kevin for major , Kenosha needs kevin and his Honest ways !