(US Attorney’s Office)
After an eight-month investigation, three siblings have been charged with several federal crimes involving fully-automatic machine guns, explosives, and drugs. Melissa Simmons (born 1975) of Wheatland, and her two brothers, James Rukstales (36) of Paddock Lake and Erik Rukstales (32) of Wheatland were all charged on March 13, 2023. The indictments were unsealed in the United States Eastern District of Wisconsin on or about April 6, 2023.

According to the federal indictment that was recently unsealed, the case started with a confidential informant that met with Kenosha Police in July of 2022. The CI reported that Melissa Simmons, who does cocaine and meth, was observed with explosives and pounds of marijuana. She also makes marijuana butter. Simmons demonstrated one of the explosives at a party the CI was at that made a loud boom and sent debris flying into the air. The CI learned that Simmons sells all of theses items. Simons explained that the explosives were made at James’ house in Paddock Lake. The CI has pending cases against him or her and is expecting to get a deal out of testifying in this case.
The CI made a controlled by of a quarter pound of marijuana and 10 explosive devices. Law enforcement set up video surveillance and the CI had a camera and audio recording device. The CI bought the explosives for $17/each and the 4 ounces of pot for $550. The CI left the house and gave the contraband to ATF agents. They tested positive for explosives. Police also got a warrant to place a GPS on one or more of the siblings’ cars. Simmons told the CI that they had plans to sell flash-bangs too but it made people nervous about the cops finding out.
On March 8, 2023 federal agents and local law enforcement agents conducted three search warrants in Wheatland and Paddock Lake. Agents found:
Dozens of Guns
Gun(s) with no serial numbers
Machine Guns
17.5 Pounds of Marijuana
Explosive Device Components and Tools
Hundreds of Explosives
The three are facing many years in federal prison. They were all released on with a cashless bail.

Below Photos Courtesy U.S. Attorney:

22 Responses
A bunch of trailer park white trash, nothing to see here.
The real question is whether the sister has slept with one of her brothers or both?
The court system is not involved in the sexual activities of consenting adults.
Actually there have been many psychiatric studies that have concluded that people who make assumptions or comments such as yours . Have either contemplated , fantasized or acted out on those same assumptions. In other words , it takes an unstable mentality to even make statements such as your own . So sad
Is it as sad as your grammar and spelling?
Possibly! ?
Anonymous says:
April 11, 2023 – 9:39 PM at 9:39 PM
Actually there have been many psychiatric studies that have concluded that people who make assumptions or comments such as yours . Have either contemplated , fantasized or acted out on those same assumptions. In other words , it takes an unstable mentality to even make statements such as your own . So sad
Released on a cashless bond! Good luck finding those lil rats!
They’re probably hiding under Uncle Dad’s porch. Disgusting, no need for that or them in society. Maybe they can do it like drugs where if somebody’s hand OD’s on an explosive device, they can charge the people who sold it to them with assault with a deadly weapon.
Janet is going to be a rubber stamp for cashless bail.
This isn’t Janet though….. Which judge gave them the bond amount?
A Federal judge.
A federal judge that got elected with Soros campaign money? Or just a federal judge that lives far enough away that they don’t personally feel endangered?
Federal judges are appointed by the president, not elected.
Be careful who your friends are……
Well, gee, who wouldn’t buy handmade explosives from a dope fiend. What a fun family.
Bunch of fire crackers and drugs. No big deal. All should be legal
. . .especially for members of a well-regulated militia.
Never underestimate the ability of Feds to embellish the truth.
They’re probably hiding under Uncle Dad’s porch. Disgusting, no need for that or them in society. Maybe they can do it like drugs where if somebody’s hand OD’s on an explosive device, they can charge the people who sold it to them with assault with a deadly weapon.
This is odd because in their pictures they don’t look like losers.
First two mugshots are rather ancient. Over 20 years ago .
This is insane.