(Wisconsin Department of Transportation)
***This publication has been modified at 10:23am after receiving a copy of the criminal complaint Tuesday morning.***
Criminal charges were filed Monday in the deaths of two Kenosha County residents from a crash on July 28, 2023. At approximately 3:05 am, a 2008 Red Dodge Dakota occupied by five people crashed into Play It Again Sports located at 4017 75th St in Kenosha. The driver was identified as 20-year-old Ajay Pierangeli (formerly Fierke). According to the report, obtained by KCE from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, police allege Pierangeli was intoxicated and that speed also caused him to lose control of the truck. Pierangeli’s blood alcohol level was three and a half times the legal limit at .282 BAC. Two occupants of a private ambulance witnessed the crash and estimated the speed to be about 70 mph in a 30mph zone. They also saw the vehicle swerving and occupants of the vehicle “blowing kisses” out of the window before the crash. They noted the truck went airborne.
This is Pierangeli’s second OWI. His first conviction was from an August 9, 2019 arrest in which he was convicted of drunk-driving at age 16, and did not consent to a breath test. He has other liquor-related violations as well. He was convicted of underage possession of alcohol in November of 2021 and Inattentive driving in 2019.
Quincy Adams, 22 of Pleasant Prairie sustained a left rib fracture, collapsed lung, and a small pulmonary contusion. Quincy said he wasn’t wearing his seatbelt and he believed no one in the car was. He called his mother after the crash, but not 9-1-1. He was visibly upset and didn’t know the truck crashed into a building. He said the five occupants were all drinking at a “hangout,” but wouldn’t tell police where.
Pierangeli sustained ruptured lung and a possible brain injury. He remains at Froedert in Milwaukee under 24/7 police guard and has a warrant for his arrest. He is expected to appear in court once he is well enough.
A 21-year-old Pleasant Prairie man named Alex Wajerski was also seriously injured in the crash.
A 22-year-old Kenosha man named Dylan Zamora and a 21-year-old Kenosha woman named Jenna Barrette passed away as a result of the crash. An official time of death for the pair is listed as 5:01 am, but paramedics noted they were deceased immediately after the crash.

The front passenger, Quincy Hanson, sustained minor injuries. The driver and the rear right passenger, Alex Wajerski both sustained serious injuries.
The Kenosha County DA’s office has charged Ajay Pierangeli with two counts of homicide by intoxicated use of a vehicle, a class D felony, Injury by Intoxicated Use of Vehicle and OWI Causing Injury (2nd). If convicted of all counts, Pierangeli faces a maximum sentence of just over 68 years in the Wisconsin State Prison System – More than 40 years of initial confinement followed by 28 years of extended supervision. Pierangeli is still in the hospital and his first court appearance date is unknown.

According to Jenna’s obituary:
“She loved spending time with her family, friends, and especially her cat Max. Her love for animals didn’t stop there as she worked at the Humane Society and fostered kittens and puppies in her free time. She also loved going to the beach and pool, working out with her sister, taking naps, and playing volleyball.
She played competitive volleyball since she was nine years old, including club, high school, and college. Jenna always lived life to the fullest. Just in the last few months, she completed her junior year of college, went on a Mediterranean cruise, and went to Summerfest and Country Thunder. Jenna made everyone around her feel special and loved. Countless people thought of her as their best friend. She had a smile and personality that would light up any room she walked into. Although many are grieving here, Jenna ultimately fulfilled her purpose on earth, and God called her home to Heaven.”
According to Dylan’s obituary:
“Born on July 20, 2001, in Kenosha; he was the son of Erin Zamora.
He was educated in the schools of Kenosha and was a graduate of Tremper High School. He was attending the University of Wisconsin Parkside as a senior pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Health Sciences with the goal of becoming a Physician’s Assistant.
He was an avid lover of all sports, especially soccer, having spent four years on the Tremper soccer team. In his younger years, he played a season of CYC football for the Bears, which didn’t bode well with him as he was a Packer’s fan.
He also greatly enjoyed video games, playing online with friends from all corners of the world. He loved animals, especially dogs and would always talk about how he wanted to have the biggest dog possible someday. He enjoyed traveling and loved going to Minnesota to see his many relatives. He recently shared his aspirations of someday moving to Seattle and raising a family of his own.”
36 Responses
Alcohol is the Devil’s Juice is a chapter in my next book. So fitting for this story. Underaged too! Where was he drinking at?
Over the target!
Are you the antisemit who wrote that rambling, incoherent, and insane book on the contrarian view of Israel?
Mein Kampf is a great book btw. Greatest story never told documentary really hits it on the head though.
I write a lot about the actor Hitler. Check out Lansburg Prison. Hitler co-wrote “my struggle” there. Also, research the 1933 Transfer Agreement and the attack on the USS Liberty. All in my book, plus how to retire a using gold. I did it, retired at 42, and wrote a 144 page international selling book in 29 days with over 150 sources read by some of the best economist in the world and they agree with my determination that all fiat currencies fail and the USD is 52 years old. The average life span for a fiat currency is 27 years. The USD is looking old.
Dennis Jantzen, I am aware of the transfer agreement and of the
Holohoax. I don’t know that the Fuhrer was an actor although I have heard that. Didn’t go down that rabbit hole yet. I think could retire if I sold everything and moved to Mexico however moving back after retirement would likely not be an option.
I hope your money is in physical gold, it not it’s no better than the fiat paper we are using here.
For all readers: No politician is your friend until they vow to end federal reserve banking system and have a currency backed with precious metal. A national digital currency is not your friend either.
Finally, this site is great and you “deserve to know” unless it’s Jewish than you don’t deserve to know about it. You deserve to not know to keep the real haters pleased. Freemasonry is Jewish Talmud worship for Gentiles. The Jews might few in Kenosha but the Freemasonry is off the charts.
Vulgar and profane = Goyim
F the Zionists
Goyim represent 98%, dont worry about thumbs down from the parasitic 2%.
You could fuck them but why would you want mongrelize your seed with the serpent’s seed?
I am praying for you Ben Dover
Not needed or wanted
Just be clear, an anti zionist is defined as a person that does not believe that Israel should be a country. It is not anti-Jew. That being said, I am a proud Anti Zionist along with all other countries. I do not believe in government or countries at all. The governments are causing all the problems. Think about it. What gov good for? the schools, barf, the police, clowns in blue, military, bunch of mercenaries in drag, the transportation system, think non high-speed trains and raods and bridges, I35 brindge in the twin cities,
And marijuana is the Devil’s lettuce. Chapter 420.
Why would anyone buy a book that you authored? You said that the attack on the Dancing Grannies was a false flag. You are one crazy MF.
What about the “Dancing Israeli’s”? Google that one you crazy MF.
My heart goes out to the family and friends of all involved in this tragedy.
Reality checks.
In the past few years more people in Wisconsin are killed by speeding than alcohol impaired driving. Illinois, too.
21,000 people were killed in gun homicides in the U.S. in 2021. Combine alcohol and speed and the death count that year was 26,000.
Only some of our public officials are serious about this. More need to be.
Per CCAP, he was formally charged.
Thank you. Updated
From what I understand, it’s doubtful that he’ll ever be well enough to stand trial. That’s if he survives.
Just imagine if they had smoked weed instead, their 2 friends wouldn’t be dead.
Absolutely traumatic! The young man driving seems to have had a drinking problem at an early age & to be 3x over the limit is crazy! If he pulls through he definitely is seeing prison. My heart hurts for these families. A lesson learned a very hard & sad way….don’t drink & drive and wear seatbelts.
May the Lord bring healing to this situation
Where did you get your sources? Your account of the event is in stark contrast of what we were told by investigators. Embellish the truth much?
Why make a statement and then not expound on said statement?>
It’s a shitty situation for everyone……no one wins here.
The government wins. Money being spent in the system. Capitalism
Yes, Promote alcohol in media. Now profit through: DUI and death,
Government through taxation, government employees: emt, police, detectives, judges.
Funeral services.
The whole system is setup to profit from humanity while working humanity into the ground. We are still using the Babylonian system of government. The US is the whore of Babylon.
He should have never had a license in the first place. I blame the family as well not guiding their children. You drink and drive you die simple as that. Reap what you sow! 5 less criminals on the roads!
Anonymous, let me explain. You can guide your children to do the correct things in life but, kids have their own minds. To suggest the parents failed is a stupid statement. I know many of their parents and they are good parents. Kids at that age may make mistakes and I am quite sure, you were not an angel with wings!
Criminals? Wow, kids who made a bad choice all suffered the consequences. Stop being so judgemental.
Is it a crime to drink and drive? Is it a crime to have multiple DUIs by the age 20? Yea criminal
Who are you referring to not Dyl or Jenna
I sit with Ukraine