(Kenosha County Sheriff)
Nathaniel Thomas, 49, of Kenosha passed away today, just before 1:30pm. His brother found Thomas deceased on the floor of their family home. Kenosha Police and Fire responded to the man’s home in the 6900 block of Sheridan Rd just after 1:30pm today. Shortly after, the medical examiner was called to the scene. Just three days ago, on Monday, March 11, a Kenosha Judge and prosecutor showed mercy to the dying man by allowing him to be released from jail in lieu of prison.
Thomas was suffering from stage four cancer, but had many other diseases. The judge presiding over the sentencing said that he had never encountered a defendant with so many serious medical conditions.
KCE spoke to the seasoned prosecutor who gave us some of the reasons why she agreed with the judge when he accepted her and defense Attorney Terry Rose’s recommendation.
“I can honestly tell you that never in 22 years [as a prosecutor] did I ever form the opinion that someone who was alleged to have done what he did shouldn’t go straight to prison. However, for the first time in my career, I did form that opinion here. The question here was ‘Would warehousing him be cruel and unusual punishment?’ Also, the thought about how expensive it would be to our taxpayers to house and treat this defendant in the prison system. “
Thomas convicted of several very serious sex crimes involving his daughter. In the Spring of last year, the little girl’s mother alerted police to the serious crimes. The little girl told police horror stories about being repeatedly sexually assaulted by Thomas since 2021, when she was just 13 years old. The sexual assaults continued for years. She also told police that Thomas took photos of her while she had some clothes off. Kenosha Police served a search warrant on Thomas’ home on April 17, 2023. Police called Thomas on the phone, but he hung up on them. Police then breached the front door with a battering ram. Immediately after, police hear a gunshot. Thomas had armed himself. Hostage negotiators responded to the stand-off and eventually, with the help of Thomas’ mother, he surrendered to police. The gun was located and it was registered as stolen from Milwaukee. Thomas was prohibited from owning or possessing a gun based on a conviction for domestic abuse from 2013. He also has a weapons conviction from 2004 and an unemployment fraud conviction from 2011.
Police collected electronics throughout the home. They also found a hidden camera in the little girl’s room. Police found many videos on the camera of her fully naked. They also found sexual photos of the little girl on his electronic devices. On April 19, 2023, and later, on May 25, 2023, Thomas was charged with:
Repeated Sexual Assault of a Child (Max 40 Years)
Incest (Max 40 Years)
Failure to Comply With Officers’ Attempt To Take Person Into Custody (Max 3.5 Years)
Invasion of Privacy – Surveillance Device (Max .75 Years)
(2) Counts of Capturing An Intimate Representation Without Consent (Max 7 Years)
Disorderly Conduct (Max .5 Years)
This Monday, March 11, 2024 Thomas appeared in Kenosha County Circuit Court for a plea deal and sentencing hearing. The judges found Thomas guilty of Repeated Sexual Assault of a Child, Failure to Comply With Officers’ Attempt To Take Person Into Custody, Invasion of Privacy – Surveillance Device and one count of Capturing An Intimate Representation WIthout Consent. The remainder of the charges were dismissed but read in. Thomas gave a full confession. Defense attorney Terry Rose argued for his client to be released due to the severity of his various diseases. Citing the defendant’s diagnosis of stage 4 kidney cancer, the judge ordered Thomas released immediately. Thomas was released that evening at 7:40pm.
The plea deal allowed for the victim to have her request of not having to testify at trial and her mother agreed with the agreement.
Attempts to contact Thomas’ family for a photo and comments weren’t immediately successful.
30 Responses
I agree that he should’ve suffered in prison. And it should’ve happened a long time ago. Mr Thomas tried refusing treatment early on… hoping to get transferred to a nursing home and out of jail. In doing this, he made his own issues worse.
Karma is a bitch.
Play stupid games and win stupid prizes…
Here come the inevitable comments about how his death is somehow related to his crimes, as if we won’t all be taking the “dirt nap” in the very near future.
Stupid comment ^
Ok groomer
Drug abuse, liquor, certain jabs, chemical exposures are on the short list of thing’s that cause cancer.
Duh.. IMO
He got off too easy. He should have suffered more especially for what he did to that poor child.
Hell awaits this piece of garbage.
How long does it take to get down there? Is it three days? ‘Cause he’s been dead a while now.
No lengthy court proceedings.
Takes about a week give or take
You can thank Newport.
Good riddance to the POS.
Here comes the GoFundMe for “burial expenses”. Lol
Not at all
While we rejoice, Joe is sending 100’s of more of illegal alien pedophiles to take his place.
You should worry more about the huge number of pedos among our own citizens… especially in the church, schools and government.
No sympathy here for pedophiles….PERIOD!
Don’t start the riots without me ! Gotta stop and fill up some gas cans .
A lengthy court history: https://wcca.wicourts.gov/caseSearchResults.html
Will Gravely outsource the closing of the file to Walworth County?
Win win, I prefer to think that he kept up his end of the bargain by dying quickly, because if he started getting better we would have had to put him in prison.
What a pathetic excuse for a “justice system.” So the court wasted “precious” tax money so at the end of the day they could play God!
Fucking American lawyer clown show.
Another case of “OBAMA’S SON’S” getting special treatment & excuses!
Truth has no side… unless you’re a Democrat that’s anti-truth, anti-justice, anti law & order, anti-Republican and anti-safety!
This thug destroyed his child’s life!
There are J6ers that committed nothing more than simple trespass. Many have medical conditions including cancer, diabetes, arthritis, physical & emotional health challenges.
Only Obama/Biden “O’Biden’s” gang get first class treatments. Charges dropped, no bail, no jail time, early release and “cuddled” like this!
I doubt the brother wanted to find a dead “PERV THROW RUG” thug on his floor.
Thug wouldn’t have lived long enough for the child to be forced to testify.
Shall new public signage & documents be listed as “KENOSHASTAN?”
May God protect the GOOD, as they are targeted by the HOOD.
I hope this dead “alleged” (cough cough) sicko is in Hell with John McCain and Ted Bundy.
I wonder if the Soros cabal are clinking celebratory champagne & sizzurp glasses?
Every law abiding legal American deserves safety. Not woke racist, sexist, perverted diversity hires that hire their friend’s.
Fani Willis, Nathan Wade style!
Vote for America First candidates or USA will complete the steps to become full HAITI!
All the racist on this blog, stating that the colored rapest should be held accountable for his filthy actions. Put the black pervert in a box and throw away the key is harsh. shameful
You still wont name the prosecutor or judge. You normally name them, but not in this case. Seems like a bias.
Yes. I am biased. Can you name a journalist who isn’t?
The Lord works in mysterious ways.