(Kenosha County Sheriff)
The trial for a man charged with murder came to an abrupt halt after a juror made an outburst during testimony. Michael T. Frazier, 41, of Mount Pleasant had been in the Kenosha County jail for four years and was standing trial for his part in the February 29, 2020 murder of 23-year-old Malik Boyd outside of Rain Bar. The trial was into its second week. Now-Sergeant Cory Brennan with the Kenosha Police Department, was on the stand at the time of the unusual incident. Brennan was a detective at the time of the murder and was testifying as to his investigation.
Many in the courtroom noticed a 24-year-old woman named “Charlotte” in the jury box that had been crying much of the trial. The jury, which had three alternates at one time, was out of alternates on the morning of March 5, 2024. Charlotte stood up mid testimony and started shouting “I’m done. I’m sorry. I know [Frazier’s] innocent and I’m done.” Charlotte started to cry as she said unintelligible statements and finally, said “I’m leaving.” With that, she walked out of the courtroom, leaving only 11 jurors behind – one too few to continue. According to a source, the trial was nearing its completion.
A deputy who’s body-worn-camera footage was obtained by KCE, went into the hallway to stop Charlotte from leaving. Charlotte continued to cry and, at one point, started yelling profanities and slamming her hands on the bench. Eventually the deputy brought her into a conference room where he calmed the young woman down. Charlotte continued to exclaim Frazier’s innocence. The deputy and later, a Sergeant, asked her if she knew Frazier and she told both of them that she knew him in spirit. She also told the deputy that she has psychic abilities. After about a half hour, she was allowed to leave.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Several minutes later, Kenosha County Circuit Court Judge Jason Rossell made the decision to declare a mistrial. Frazier’s attorneys immediately made a demand for a speedy trial and the new trial date has been scheduled for April 22, 2024.

(Kenosha County Sheriff)
KCE made contact with Charlotte. She gave us two reasons for her outburst. First, she said, she has a small child who needed daycare and she couldn’t work during the trial. “They didn’t tell me this case might go for more than a week,” she told us. She said she was googling how to stop a guilty verdict and she read how in Wisconsin, the decision must be unanimous. She planned to out-wait the other jurors and cause a hung jury, but the trial went on for too long and she couldn’t afford more unpaid days. Charlotte said that against the judge’s instructions, the jury was talking about the case before it had heard all of the evidence. “I expressed my doubts about his guilt and another juror called me naive.”
Charlotte also told us that she has a telepathic connection to Frazier while she sat in the courtroom and watched the trial. “I could see into his mind and I knew he was innocent. It was a supernatural connection.”
KCE obtained the body-worn camera footage of the seasoned deputy from the Sheriff’s Department. It was unredacted, as Charlotte was in public and had no legal right to privacy. For obvious reasons, KCE decided to blur Charlotte’s face and not publish her real name.
Judge Rossell decided against taking any type of formal action like contempt of court. KCE was told by a source that no type of criminal charges are being sought.
See the outburst and after-math below:
50 Responses
She should be thrown in jail. She wasted everyone’s time and taxpayer money. What an idiot. Just saying she had kids at home to watch would’ve gotten her out of jury duty. Shameful.
Unfortunately saying you have kids to take care of, does not get you out. My wife asked and they said the best they can do is delay when you go for a few months. They did not care.
Kevin, can you follow up on this and see if they’re going to charge her for purposely wrecking the trial?
Naw. She will claim she’s a POC and we will have have to sympathize with how she’s been mistreated her entire life
“The jury, which had three alternates at one time, was out of alternates “
So this lady was the 4th person to be “excused” during the trial.
Sure she went out with a bang but what happened to the others who left ?? There were 3 before !
What was their excuse ?
There will be no charges. The judge simply let her go.
Well , that’s one way to get out of jury duty 😳
I’d really like to know the exact amount of taxpayer dollars this idiot wasted. She should have to face some consequence for her actions. The really unfortunate part is that, now other scumbags will repeat her actions, especially if she isn’t charged & prosecuted. At the very least, she should be fined.
Judge Roselle let her walk out without even as much as a slap on the wrist. She cost the state tens of thousands of wasted dollars, not to mention the frustation of a man who has been on trial for 4 years. Maybe he’s guilty maybe not but this was absolute nonsense. If she thought he’s innocent then stick it out for a hung jury.
Unusual, weird, whatchamacallit but she did the right thing in the wrong way. She could not be a fair and impartial juror but she went about leaving jury service the wrong way.
I’m pretty sure the accused is guilty….he can fuck off. No one cares what the inconvenience is to him.
Kayla is her name
Not getting paid during jury duty yet still having to pay for daycare is a very real concern, especially in this Bidenomics shit economy, but she should’ve just been honest about her predicament during jury selection. And kudos to this officer who was extremely patient!
Better that she was honest before the deliberations. Clearly a weird situation.
Good riddance.
People like this are not qualified to make life altering
decisions like this.
She needs to be charged accordingly.
You brought up a good point; if there’s a tranny on the jury, I hope someone can request not to have that person on the jury. People with clear mental illness should not be able to serve on a jury.
Just like Shaggy, it wasn’t me.
I swear! The number of emotionally/mentally unstable women had gone up 10-fold in the last few years. Almost like they can’t handle serious responsibility or something. 🤯
They have learned to use their natural emotions as a legal crutch
I noticed in the video her crying was like a light switch you could turn on and off at a moments notice! Fine one minute, crying with a lot of emotion the next….
Stop writing stupidity on Kevin’s page. Do you really think Kevin thinks his wife and daughter and female friends shouldn’t be able to vote? If you think that, you know nothing about Kevin at all. You are just making his page look stupid. You’re just like the anti semite who used to post here regularly. Embarrassing.
Um what? We went from hating women to hating Jews? How in the world did you pull that from the comment?
You must be a woman…
She created her own problem. Every summons has a number to call regarding issues one has before walking into court. She apparently can’t read and comprehend. And clearly can’t follow directions.
Kudos to deputy for calm approach.. And, leadership.
Another way to get out of jury duty, is during the voi dire process, every 5 minutes stand up and demand to know who’s frying bologna.
that would have been the time to do it rather than wasting everyone’s time and money
I’ve seen people get off the trial during the voir dire process. One man said he was sorry but he believed the defendant wouldn’t be there if he hadn’t done something wrong. Out the door he went.
i was breastfeeding my baby and was told i had to serve jury duty–I did and stayed for the entire week. This is your obligation as a US Citizen! She should have been jailed.
A normal function, right? Or are u picking when it is and isn’t a normal action? You get one.
There are 2 word smithed referendums on Wisconsin April 2nd Ballot aimed for voter suppression. PLEASE VOTE NO on both!
Constitutional amendments. Vote yes
Since we went to voting issues, Pleasant Prairie vote for Coulson. He is running against the current way government gets things done in the Prairie.
KCE please do a special on the people running in the current election.
I’m hopefully getting a sign to go in my front yard for him! SOOOOO glad he’s running against one of “the good ol boys”.
Come on people! Let’s do Steinbrink next!!!
Here, learn…keep those out of your area and elected officials out of our business…
Ps. Sad that this juror votes…rme
You’re tripping if you think any readers on this site are going to vote No to banning zuckerbucks
You are tripping if you don’t realize that the left will line up to vote no, except for those who’ve already voted early, often, and in IL.
Vote YES (unless you’re a liberal tan I’m sure I just triggered you).
The referendums are voter suppression
Incorrect. Wrong. Stupid.
No, they are not.
One is “should we prevent accepting of Zuckerbucks” – yes
The other is “should we prevent non-election workers (ie random staff in a nursing home) from meddling in elections -yes
Besides being irresponsible for having not addressed her financial concerns during jury selection, the young woman obviously has mental health issues. Just recently I’ve run across several articles about studies showing the more liberal, or woke, someone is, the more likelihood of depression, addiction, and emotional instability. For all you democrats reading this, scoffing at me right now, just take a step back, take a cleansing breath and think about the people in your life. Be honest about the mental well-being of your liberal friends and family and of yourself too. How many years have you all been on antidepressants? Years of therapy? Years of addiction? How’s the emotional health of your kids? Yikes, they have problems too, right? Now compare that with the emotional health of your conservative friends and family. Ideology has a huge impact on emotional health. Not saying conservatives are all 100% ok but, IF you can be honest with yourself, you’ll admit the majority of mental health issues come from liberals.
I just read one that said all Trumpers are under educated and easily manipulated. Matches perfectly.
I have been studying this subject for years in the Kenosha News and cnn and have also concluded liberals are almost always retarded.
Thats what I have bern saying for years here! Hence, my screen name.
Only in Kenosha 🙁
God, there are just a bunch of weird ass people in the world today. Is it really surprising you see so many crazy incidents, mass shootings, etc?
I feel sorry for this woman’s child…..
Most of the shootings are from crazy trannys.
Kevin, double-check the number of alternate jurors. Explore the delays in the trail, a day the case wasn’t progressing. Look into the defense planting this juror in this case knowing that she was familiar with the case and the defendant.
Remember to vote Republican in November! They may not be perfect, but the other party is insane!
Be sure to weed out the RINOs by doing research.