Bristol Votes “No!” on School Referendum and Votes “Yes!” to Gray and Starke for School Board 

Nicole Starke and Joanne Gray

Last night was an embarrassing loss for the “Bristol Votes Yes” group and Bristol School Administrator, Jack Musha, after failing to convince voters to vote “yes” for an operating referendum for the second year in a row. 

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In contrast, it was a decisive victory for school board candidates, Joanne Gray and Nicole Starke. Current board member, Tina Elfering, the only board member to vote against going to referendum this year, said, “Congratulations to Joanne and Nicole on their win. They will do great things for the Bristol community and school. I look forward to working with both of them.”

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The referendum was previously discussed in depth here:

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The decision by incumbent Board President Adam Scheele and Vice-president Corie Bies not to seek reelection appears prudent in hindsight, given yesterday’s rejection of both their endorsed candidate, Matthew Ley, and the referendums they have championed. One voter expressed the desire for the first thing on the new board’s agenda to be the renewal (or non-renewal) of contracts, especially for leadership at the school. Clearly the voters have spoken, ushering in a new era of representation on the Bristol School Board, with the possibility of even more changes to come.

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Against All Odds: Racine Man Transforms Life and Becomes Deputy Sheriff

Kenosha, Wis. – Sometimes, life offers second chances to those willing to fight for them. For Endel Williams, 50, that second chance is more than just a fresh start—it’s a full-circle moment. The once-troubled teen and twice-convicted felon will be sworn in as a Deputy Sheriff for the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Office on March 31, 2025, marking an extraordinary turnaround. Williams’ past was anything but picture-perfect. His troubles with the law began early, leading to convictions

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Nedweski’s K9 Riggs Act Advances to Strengthen Protections for Police Animals

Madison, Wis. – State Representative Amanda Nedweski (R-Pleasant Prairie) issued the following statement after the passage of AB 61—The K9 Riggs Act, which she authored to increase penalties for injuring or killing police or fire animals: “I am grateful for the overwhelming bipartisan support for AB 61, the K9 Riggs Act,” Nedweski said. “This bill resonates deeply with our local law enforcement agencies, and speaks directly to the heart of the Kenosha County community.” In October 2021, Kenosha

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Missing Kenosha Woman Confirmed Deceased

On Sunday, March 9, 2025, at about 4:55 PM a woman was found dead within a Lake Michigan break wall at Eichelman Park. The identity of the woman was initially unknown. With the assistance of the Kenosha County Medical Examiner’s Office and a forensic odonatologist, the woman has been identified as 18-year-old Kayla Sobczak of Kenosha. On December 23rd, 2024, Kayla’s family contacted the Kenosha Police Department to report her missing, after last seeing her on

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Kenosha Man Arrested in Major Drug Investigation, Faces Multiple Charges

Kenosha, Wis. – A 42-year-old Kenosha man is being held on a $10,000 cash bail and faces serious drug-related charges after his arrest on Monday. Authorities took Lionel D. Jones into custody following a narcotics investigation, with evidence linking him to drug trafficking near a school zone. If convicted, Jones faces a potential prison sentence of over 60 years. Arrest and Charges On March 10, 2025, at approximately 12:34 p.m., Officer Carlos Gerena observed Jones in

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Kenosha Police Recommend Felony Charge for Racine Officer Amid Misconduct Investigation

Kenosha, Wis. – The Kenosha Police Department has recommended at least one felony charge against Racine Police Officer LaVontay Fenderson following an investigation into alleged misconduct. The Racine Police Department initially uncovered possible misconduct involving Fenderson last year. To ensure transparency and avoid a conflict of interest, Racine authorities requested that the Kenosha Police conduct an independent investigation into the matter. According to a spokesperson for the Kenosha Police Department, investigators have recommended one count of

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Chicago Man Acquitted of Disorderly Conduct in Kenosha Trial

Kenosha, Wis. – A jury has found 56-year-old Justin S. Blake of Chicago not guilty of disorderly conduct, nearly four years after he was initially cited for the offense. The six-member jury reached its verdict in less than 20 minutes on Monday, clearing Blake of the non-criminal charge stemming from an April 2021 protest outside the Kenosha Public Safety Building. Blake, the uncle of Jacob Blake—whose 2020 police shooting sparked widespread demonstrations—was originally cited for disorderly

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Racine Man Held on $2,500 Cash Bail After Serious Motorcycle Crash

Kenosha, Wis. – A Racine man is being held on a $2,500 cash bail after being charged with Knowingly Operating While Suspended (Causing Great Bodily Harm), a felony that could result in a prison sentence of up to three and a half years if convicted. Timothy L. Landry, 22, is accused of driving without a valid license and being involved in a vehicle-versus-motorcycle collision that nearly claimed the life of Antony Rivera-Valle. The crash occurred on

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Kenosha Man Faces Multiple Felony Charges, Accused of Witness Intimidation and Stalking

Kenosha, Wis. — A 43-year-old Kenosha man, Jason T. Barnhill, has been charged with multiple felonies, including Intimidating a Witness, Stalking, and Threats to Communicate Derogatory Information. He also faces a misdemeanor charge of Intimidating a Victim. Barnhill, a repeat offender, remains in custody at the Kenosha County Jail as he awaits his initial court appearance on March 20, 2025. Pending Criminal Cases Barnhill is already facing serious charges in two separate Kenosha County cases, 24CF1227

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Body Recovered from Lake Michigan at Kenosha’s Eichelman Park

Kenosha, Wis. – The Kenosha Police Department responded to Eichelman Park at approximately 4:55 p.m. Sunday afternoon after receiving a report of a body discovered in Lake Michigan. The park, located at 6135-3rd Avenue, was the site of an active recovery operation throughout the evening. Authorities initially restricted access to the park while police and emergency responders worked to retrieve the body from the water. At 8:54 p.m., the Kenosha Police Department issued an update confirming

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Body Cam Footage Contradicts Kenosha Activist’s Claims of Police Misconduct

Kenosha, Wis. – Newly released body cam footage obtained by KCE from the Kenosha Police Department (KPD) directly contradicts the claims made by self-described activist Ronnie D. Orr Jr., also known as “Ron Dean” on social media, regarding his recent arrest. Orr, 37, was taken into custody early Sunday morning outside Tavern on 6th for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. Following the arrest, he launched a social media campaign, alleging excessive force and racial discrimination by

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Gordon Food Service Store in Pleasant Prairie to Close on March 15

Pleasant Prairie, Wis. – Gordon Food Service Store has announced the upcoming closure of its Pleasant Prairie location at 6905 75th Place, with its final day of operation set for Saturday, March 15. The company assured customers that regular business hours will remain in effect until closing day. While the physical store will shut its doors, Gordon Food Service’s Express Van Delivery Service will continue to serve customers in the Kenosha area, and online ordering will

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Kenosha Unified School District Investigates Allegations of Falsified Pupil Records

Kenosha, Wis. – The Kenosha Unified School District (KUSD) is actively investigating allegations that a staff member at Indian Trail High School and Academy altered pupil records to circumvent Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA) eligibility rules. According to a source familiar with the matter, a receptionist at Indian Trail has been accused of modifying attendance records for varsity boys’ basketball players to ensure they remained eligible for competition. The district is currently deliberating on whether to

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32 Responses

  1. So happy Scheele and Bies are out and Gray and Starke prevailed! A little digging made it very clear to me that Ley does not share the values of our community. Why Scheele and Bies would both go so far as to endorse him is beyond me, but they are probably embarrassed now that no one cared about their endorsements.

  2. For those of you who live in PLEASANT PRAIRIE, please encourage Carl Coulson to challenge the results against Mike Pollocoff.

  3. Congratulations Bristol and of course congratulations to Joanne and Nicole too!

    Joanne, Nicole and Tina, As a life long Bristol resident and someone who has spoken to each of you about the problems at Bristol Grade School starting with the board and secondly Jack Musha, please be tough and get right down to business on your first day. This is why we chose you and voted against the referendum for the second year in a row.

    Jack is going to want to be your pal because he likes a board that rubber stamps what he may have learned at the latest administrator convention and he really wants that raise despite his horrible performance. If he threatens to quit, say “bye bye”. Your election wins and another NO for pissing away more money was yet another referendum on Jack Musha and your soon to be predecessors. Corie and Adam, you ought to be ashamed of yourselves. From horrible Covid planning, to forced face masks, to horrible electives, to rubber stamping Jacks next dumb idea, to coercing board members as being part of the “board” to support your bad decisions, you have failed your community.

    Cuts need to happen immediately starting with 1 of the principals and the one that signs using her pronouns would be a good start, a dean of students that is Jacks golf buddy, 2 part time human resource people, 1 of the full time IT people and a lazy head janitor (the school has never looked worse) and a new school attorney that Jack doesn’t have jacks head up her ass that threatens parents when the he and the board sit on their hands and let rampant corruption taking place including pornographic library materials that could be checked out by our children.

    Secondly, consider investing in ground’s equipment and have the custodian and a team handle the grass and possibly snow or at least look into what the comparison would be. Talk to other schools that handle their own. Equipment is cheap relatively speaking but will add additional insurance costs likely. Perhaps a deal could be cut with the town to do the snow removal. Jack doesn’t like working with the town, he likes being a big shot that pretends to know what he’s doing. Personally, I would rather see the janitor on a piece of equipment doing something rather than sitting around like a stool pigeon and spreading the latest gossip.

    I look forward to your leadership and getting rid of the dead weight around that school so that curriculum can be updated and education becomes the focus rather than over staffing so the administrator can sit on his now single ass. Liberalism is disease, it destroys budgets, schools, communities, marriages and anything it touches including our children. Get rid of the cancer ladies, you have my support.

    1. Cutting grass. General outdoor landscaping maintenance. Snow plowing.
      All should be contracted out.

      Grass cutting is weekly. And all day.
      Maintenance can be labor intensive while cutting is “mostly” sitting but does require some walking. Not an old man’s game.

      Add equipment maintenance. Gas and oil and tool storage. Requires a whole separate building. Not to mention trucks and plows !
      Plowing alone requires 24 hours service availability. At least 3am plowing. Plus all day long keeping up. Not to mention salting.
      And then while they’re plowing,
      who’s cleaning inside ?

      The janitors / custodial staff are like your mail carrier. Same job day after day. Repetition !
      That makes them efficient and consistent.

      Leave outside to the pros !

      1. It’s worth looking into and there already is a separate pole building that Ryczek built. Central high school does their own grass cutting and sidewalks – not sure about the parking lots and that why I mentioned possibly working something out with the town. There’s a reason central does their own and why they only need 1 HR person but that’s another matter. Any time there is a hint of snow school is cancelled, so your 24 hour, 3:00 am scenario is not relevant.

        Where there is a will, there is a way.

        1. They do everything now but will be contracting out the grass around the school cause the janitors take very little pride in the grounds. Better yet. Have your dean/Ad earn some of his paycheck by doing all the outdoor work instead of sitting his scrawny ass in his office watching tv. So much over paid worthless thieves In that building now. Makes me sick.

          1. I agree, but I thought he was Jacks service animal. They create safe spaces for each other when the playdough dries out.

        2. The bus company cancels according to set guidelines with all the local schools it serves out of their Trevor location
          It’s not just Central calling the shots.

          This winter we had one really cold day where the wind chill just missed the cut off by 2 degrees. They had school. By the guidelines.

          But the point here is that when professionals plow snow the bosses are up 24 hours a day in shifts during the snow storm monitoring the snow and their trucks and responses to each customer’s requirements. A little much to a school’s maintenance staff.

          If you feel so sure there’s cost savings then take that project on. You already have the hired out $$ numbers. Now try to figure out the cost for keeping it in house.
          Gas. Maintenance. Who’s in charge.
          Is that overtime pay ? Extra insurance? Who do you call at 3 am when the truck doesn’t start. Or the driver doesn’t show up. Who’s the back up when the truck breaks down at 6am ?

          A professional company has all these extras figured out and just down the road. The school has no back up. One and done.

          Oh yeah. Don’t forget about the pension contribution on all that overtime. Lots of cost keeping it “in house”.

        1. Just have plowed snow for a private contractor for 30 years. (Illinois)

          I’ve been broke down at 3 am.
          And before the tow truck arrived another plow truck came to finish my lot.
          Then with the tow to the shop got in another, spare truck and continued on.
          Mechanics on duty 24 hours around the clock keeping trucks running until it stops snowing. Then back to regular shifts till it snows again. Rinse and repeat.

          Before you get too enthusiastic about saving a buck or three, figure out what you are going to do when it all goes south.
          At 3 am

          Who you gonna call ? Snow busters ??

      1. Wouldn’t it be really crappy if the current, outgoing school board extended administrative contracts and gave a raise to the administrator even after losing the referendum? Can’t think of a bigger f_ck y_u to the community than that.

        Well, These same people that guilt us about taking more tax dollars for the “sake of the children” and lost the latest referendum are going to try it or are considering it. If this happens we are stuck with people we can’t afford unless of course we buy out their contracts which is what they want. This is the leadership of Jack Musha and the Bristol School Board. You can’t make this shit up. Shaking my head….

        1. I thought is was a political courtesy to not have a board meeting after an election with the losers still sitting.

          Next meeting after an election should swear in and sit the new/old members.
          Changed or not.

          If it’s not this way then it should be.

          Does anyone know exactly ?

  4. Amazing isn’t it ?
    The difference of just 10 votes.

    Less than that if 6 of the ones that did vote no would have voted yes .

    The county reports a 37% voter turnout county wide.

    Salem grade schools turnout was closer to half that. Maybe a little less of the “eligible” voters. I’m sure Bristol’s was the same lower number.

    It’s disappointing that only a third or less of the property owner taxpayers thought enough to vote.

    But that does show how easy it is to win, or lose !

    Think about that

    1. Those “10 Lousy Votes” are not lousy. Those votes are the difference between our tax dollars being blown away by a lousy administrator and a majority of lousy school board members who couldn’t run a lemonade stand if they tried.

      I can’t wait to read a future KCE article about deep cuts at Bristol’s administration level, Mushas ouster or even his resignation. It’s going to be great.

      1. I’m sure the author wanted to point out how so many complain on here yet not many take the time to vote (or run for any office).
        This world is lazy and enjoys their comfort too much.

      2. Some how we decided to have elections in the spring when nobody cares. Why ??

        I’ve been told it’s because there are too many things on the November ballot. Really ??

        Wilmot “chose” to put their referendum on the February primary ballot.
        Bristol here on the general election ballot.

        Is that “voter shopping” ??
        Neither won. So why the two dates ?

        Everything should be in November.
        Election Day should be on a Sunday.
        6 am to 8 pm. That’s it !

          1. I’m saying, get rid of the spring elections. Altogether.
            People don’t keep up on “small” local and state issues like they should.

            This spring we voted on a state constitutional matter. Amazing that only a third of the voters decided something so important !!

            Yes that’s on the lazy and uncaring citizen but we are not helping anyone but the motivated sneaky government to try to sneak their agendas across our apathy.

            A good portion of people vote once a year. In November. And some of them don’t even bother with the August primaries. Yes we still need primaries but let’s put all the issues we go to the voters for in one election cycle. In the fall.

            Let’s do that !

    1. Not going to happen. Our county Republican party had every nominated poll worker they were entitled to there, working all day and night. Plus there was at least one observer there. Consider signing up to work or observe if you’re concerned about election integrity

        1. it’s a really good idea to know the law regarding observers before you go. You can self study or you can take a training through one of the local or state parties

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