(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Are you one of the approximately 4200 people who filled out the KUSD referendum survey? You might be upset to know that the school district, under the direction of Superintendent Jeff Weiss (D), told the survey company not to give the district all of the information received by the taxpayers. Why would the district do this? They did this because they knew KCE and others would ask for the results under the Wisconsin public records requests. We did just that, and we received the document at the bottom of this story. The write-in comments weren’t included. They didn’t want the public to see how critical the survey-takers were of KUSD and its administration.

For example, many questions asked the taxpayers their views on the KUSD leadership and administration. One such question asked the survey-take “Where do you receive your information about the Kenosha School District? Please check all that apply.” Many KCE readers checked on the “Other” box and typed in “Kenosha County Eye.” They shared their responses with us, seemingly to show support for our extensive coverage of KUSD.
There were several other questions in which the survey-takers had the ability to type in custom responses. KCE is told that many people criticized the school board and administration including Weiss. Weiss, however, doesn’t want people to see this information.
Weiss learned from Gateway Technical College’s survey in which many people said very critical and disparaging things about the school’s leadership, including its president. Here are some of those responses:

Weiss either saw some of these comments criticizing him and his staff and told Donovan not to turn over the documents to KUSD, or he suspected there would be many criticizing comments. Either way, he didn’t want the taxpayers to see them.
When asked why he concealed the comments of the survey-takers, Weiss told KCE: “The themes from the 4200 surveys are important for decision making. It is not possible to take action on 4200 individual comments.”

KCE is exploring legal options to get this data that KUSD and Weiss are so eager to keep concealed.
17 Responses
KUSD: a culture of denial, gaslighting, cover-ups, and corruption.
Speaking of denial, gaslighting, cover-ups, and corruption, does the District and the Kenosha Police have clean hands in the manner in which they dealt with the potential school shooter. Is it true they ignored the red flags?
This is a report from TMJ4. Maybe KCE can dig into it.
Parent claims Kenosha PD missed a red flag before school shooting scare https://www.tmj4.com/about-us/lighthouse/parent-claims-kenosha-pd-missed-a-red-flag-before-school-shooting-scare
If you watch the press release he states RED flags are there… cops are mind readers. They have to know there is an issue before they can go!
The school called
The school was informative
The school did their part and kept all of our kids safe!
The police.. wow did their job
The police responded within minutes of the call coming out
The police depleted their ENTIRE dept to this call!!!! The rest of the citizens in Kenosha waited hours to receive assistance from pd..
So instead of being a sour puss – thank someone who did a job you couldn’t! 👏
Did you read or watch the TMJ4 piece? It claims both the police and school district were told weeks ago of the threat this kid posed.
Did they do anything to prevent this kid from actually showing up at a school. Had they “done something” maybe this incident could have been prevented and it would not be necessary for the school district and police to be heros.
They always say, “see something, say something.” If someone dies that, shouldn’t the police “do something?”
Wait, you actually watch/believe local TV stations “news” departments? I feel sorry for you and the vast amount of utter bullshit you must believe.
Don’t listen to the news. They lie.
Of course they did this !
Survey companies design these things with the questions leaning in a certain direction. The direction to get money.
Not surprising that “sometimes” it gets away from them. This is that sometime.
YES!!!!! This.
Weiss = lying cancer he needs to be removed!! KUSD operates fewer schools now and wants more money???
Certainly calls into question any information coming from KUSD.
Makes one wonder about work accomplished for Masters degrees and PHDs.
I filled one out and submitted it. Ultimately I was sent 3 more . Makes you wonder. The guy has to go.
This is why I asked for the raw data. Of the 4200, how many were unique? I know I filled it out multiple times.
How convenient that they also have a round number.
Weiss is a snake. He needs to go
I filled one out also. Completely forgot about it since I haven’t heard/read anything about it since. Thanks Kevin for bringing this up.
I am proud, yet sad, that I was in the minority of the STRONGLY DISAGREE with needing to pass the pathetic money grabs of the referendums.
This survey was overly weighted (close to 30% of respondents) by those that receive a check from the district. It makes the entire survey out of touch with reality. Lost 358 students this year, and will be at least that next year. That’s 20 teachers, two or three schools, and several administrators and other support personnel. I’ve tried, but can’t find a figure, how many KUSD employees in 2023, and how many employees in 2024 with six less schools.
Sounds like a rigged survey—So much for intellectual integrity at KUSD.
This is stated in the survey:
● The following data points are not based
on a scientific sample.
● Because we used a convenience
sample, it would be methodologically
inappropriate to conduct regression
analysis or attempt to calculate error.
The only waybthe public schools are going to improve is to get rid of as many known Democrats that you can.
This Lying, Deceiving and woke shit has to go.
Weiss should be fired, removed ASAP.
Weis is unbelievably corrupt and a liar. He personally lied to my face numerous times so of course he would like about survey results about a possible referendum that virtually no one wants. They are damaging our children, bringing in radical gender ideology, LGBTQ preferences and instruction over the basic subjects and our kids can’t read, can’t perform simple math problems or understand American History. There should be NO referendums until they fix the existing educational institution cut all the garbage from KUSD