(Facebook.com – School Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
A Kenosha Unified School District math teacher will keep his job after anti-Semitic behavior and allegations of blowing a kiss to a female student.
According to Ryan Nachtigal’s personnel file obtained via a public records request:
Ryan Nachtigal (pronounced night-in-gail) is a teacher at the Kenosha Unified School District and has taught mathematics at Indian Trail High School and Academy for several years as a teacher. On February 7th or 8th of this year, students were in the middle of a math lesson. During the lesson, a student raised his hand to ask a math related question. As he sat with his hand raised above his head, Mr. Nachtigal turn to him. Mr. Nachtigal looked at the student, raised his hand with a straight arm and pointed it at an angle towards the student. After raising his hand towards the student, Mr. Nachtigal stated “Heil Hitler! What is your question?”
According to students, this was very offensive to multiple students and caused a traumatic reaction in at least one of the students who is Jewish and needed to be excused from class for about 20 minutes to regain composure. This was reported to the school authorities on Friday, February 9, 2024.
Mr. Nachtigal admitted to the behavior, but said he was trying to be funny with the students. He was then placed on administrative leave by ITA principal Scott Kennow. Principal Kennow was then notified that the family of a Jewish student wanted to speak with him about other behavior. On February 14th 2024, the mother of the Jewish student met with the principal at the school.
It was revealed that her son made the following allegations:
- When walking to lunch after math class, a student recalled a conversation where another student shared that Mr. Nachtigal spoke in German and he understood what he was saying. The student was talking to another student and shared that he was reciting “Mein Kampf” which is a memoir written by Adolf Hitler. The student that he was describing could not be identified and was not in his class.
- Mr. Nachtigal frequently speaks in German, but is usually to himself. Things are said loud enough for students to hear. Students do not know German, so they ask Mr. Nachtigal what he is saying. Mr. Nachtigal responds by saying I can’t tell you because I would get fired or I can’t tell you because it’s not appropriate.
- Mr. Nachtigal called students stupid. This has happened at least 5 or 6 times during the school year.
- There were concerns that were expressed regarding instructional practices. Specifically, it was alleged that Mr. Nachtigal only teaches half the week and the other half of the week is spent playing Monopoly Go on his phone while the students have a task to work on. Concerns were shared by the students and the parent thought homework is not being created and students are not getting feedback on anything leading up to the exams or quizzes.
As for the “Heil Hitler!” comments, three students wrote statements confirming this behavior and the teacher himself, confirmed what he had said and did.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Principal Kennow wrote in his report:
“Multiple students confirm what was admitted by the teacher. These statements all confirm that Mr. Nachtigal engaged in behavior that was offensive and derogatory to students in the classroom, some of whom are Jewish. His behavior disrupted the quality of learning for multiple students and has damaged his ability to have positive relationships and trust with his students. As we focus on creating a supportive school culture for all students, this behavior isn’t direct conflict with our mission.”
Principal Kennow recommended that Mr. Nachtigal receives “disciplinary action that sends a message to our students, staff, and community that his behavior has no place in our schools or community. We talk all the time about the value of diversity and how important the safety of our students is. We are in a time where there are so many hate activities taking place against Jewish people. The behavior has no place in our school and staff members must conduct themselves in a more sensitive, supportive, and professional manner. “

(File Photo by Kevin Matheson, Kenosha County Eye)
Even with the strong recommendation from the principal, Kevin Neir, Chief human resources officer for the Kenosha Unified School District only issued Mr. Nachtigal a written warning. He also required Mr. Nachtigal to attend a diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) practices: staff to student and cultural competence, and racial bias training.
Mr. Nachtigal was also directed by Neir to provide his class with a verbal apology for his insensitive comment. “If your behavior is not corrected, for the disciplinary action may take place up to an including a recommendation to the Board of education for non-renewal and/or termination of your contract,” wrote Neir
In KUSD, only the senior staff, like Neir, who makes $150,000/year can make serious disciplinary decisions, not the principals.

On Friday, October 1, 2024, Principal Kennow received a complaint from a female student. She stated that on Thursday September 30, 2024, she was in her math class with her teacher Ryan Nachtigal. Nachtigal told her to go to the office of student management. She didn’t know why she was being told to go and then realize that Mr. Nachtigal was just kidding. She stated that Mr. Nachtigal then turned away and made a kissing gesture to her. The gesture was described as his tightening his lips and expressing a kiss towards her.
The student’s mother emailed the principal on October 4th and told him that she did not want to pursue this matter because she doesn’t want Mr. Nachtigal’s job being jeopardized.
Kevin Neir, seemingly not believing the little girl, exonerated Mr. Nachtigal on October 8th 2024 with the following letter.

(File Photo by Kevin Matheson, Kenosha County Eye)
KCE reached out to Superintendent Jeff Weiss, who has the final say in these circumstances, and in normal fashion, he did not wish to comment. KCE also reached out to activist Rabbi Dena Feingold of Kenosha, who didn’t wish to respond to the allegations.
84 Responses
Why do we need principals?
So taxpayers can shell out $100K+ per school for some asshole gym teacher with a cheap online master’s degree (or equivalent) to sit around with his thumb up his ass.
I’d like to see you run a school especially one the size of Indian Trail ,. Principals and assistant principal work year round , they get no summer break. They get $100000+ cause they have to deal with EVERYTHING, you wouldn’t understand the stress they have daily. Don’t talk bad about principals especially Indian trails 4 principal. They are very hard working and deserve their pay. Plus they tried to discipline this teacher but dork HR guy didn’t do that
I’d like to see you run a school with out principals especially Indian trail with 2000 students and 200 staff. Mr Kennow dose an awesome job along with the assistant principal s Ms Toney , Mr St.Martin and Mrs DuChene. If you would read the school administrators wanted discipline action but the district HR dork didnt
i love kids
This teacher exhibits the traits of a MAGA Trump supporter.
Yet looks like a Harris supporter
And hates Jews like a Harris supporter
This is true of Harris supporters…
seriously, she is married to a Jew, this is so dumb
hahahhahaha – if you knew the guy you’d know he was NOT a harris supporter by any mean.
sorry R’s – this one belongs to your team.
Not a surprise at all.
Good effort troll, you can’t unclaim this Dem
If you had him as a teacher and spent a whole year with him like me you would realize that he does act like a Harris supporter
I supposed I’m somewhat triggered.
Since as a gentile saved by a Jew,) – who was crucified by Jews, and grafted into the the tree of Gods chosen people – the Israelites and quite familiar with RINO’s, faking a way into a party I suspect many find it hard to understand I love the Isrealites of the Bible, not so much the Isreal of the United Nations!
You’re an idiot, unless you’re joking.
you are a loser
stupid comment….nothing to do with politics, you moron
Strike one , try again .
People like you love to hide behind a keyboard. Why would even bring politics into this? This teacher was in the wrong but you care about Trump verses Harris?? Wow. That just shows your ignorance. Seems like your “feelings” are still hurt about the election. Make a TikTok.
Thats stupid.Biden didnt do 1 thing to protect the Jewish students who were terrorized on college campuses
I think Mr Nachtigal owes an Apology .I am also aware he had a awful tragedy in his family a couple years ago.When I was in School We had teachers(male) that would knock the crap out of you and call you every name in the book.We were scared of them One was a Former D.I in the Marines and was in actual combat
In what decade and country did teachers knock the crap out of you?
That’s fiction .
Some pretty weird behavior. Very unprofessional. Why is a teacher on their cell phone? That’s just like stealing. He is being paid to be there.
There. Not their 🤦🏾
quit being so hard on yourself
There , there now . 😎
Learn how to spell first dimwit.
Appears to be joking on both accounts, not necessarily good jokes, but nonetheless. Don’t think he should get fired for it the “training” is a good first step and move on from there and tell the kids to stop being so damn sensitive.
fuck off, you blow my kid a kiss I’m kicking your ass, joking or not.
two dislikes huh? better check their hard drives
Funny, where all the usual people calling for hanging from the ropes?
Keyboard tough guy, and by all your comments there is no doubt you are a convicted felon. Your kid is so lucky to have you as their father.
hey SWM this guy touches kids
Straight White Male’s stress reconciling his true sexual orientation has driven him away from this platform.
hey Joel 👋
Considering the day and age we live in, it’s not the smartest move on his part. Then there is the whole creep factor/vibe that the kids are feeling. To be fair. Trying to teach in a public school isn’t easy. I am wondering if more things come out about all of this….
To be fair, trying to teach in a public school isn’t easy.*
“To be fair.” = Sentence fragment.
Hahahaha! I was public school educated, so… opps.
Is there a bulletin board somewhere telling unemployable otherwise teachers that KUSD will hire and keep ANYONE? Get rid of this loser, let him go work the Rennie circuit.
This guy looks light in the loafers
More advertisement for home schooling
Just having a stupid looking beard like that is enough to wonder why he is teaching children.
That kid needs to get a lawyer and take action.
If the comment was about a black or gay person, the teacher would’ve been fired.
So, let me ask you a question: Are we paying for all these parasites’ incomes? Are we paying for that teacher who praises Hitler, and all the other bureaucrats doing nothing about it?
Mr. Nachtigal, I am Jewish. Why don’t you try to salute me with a “Sieg Heil”?
Du Furzkopf, du.
we sure are and they want a ton more money for their referendum,. i say NO WAY
Are there any good teachers at KUSD?
yeah joeseph mamason taught my son for many years in private sessions I always trusted him even when my child came back bruised and battered! if you see an ad for his tutoring services after school make sure to send your kid there! again thats joeseph mamason!
Kusd. Again. Fucken joke!
I look forward to reading about this in one week in the Kenosha News.
Man I had this guy for a teacher like fifteen years ago at Bullen.. weird dude then too asking kids to go to chili’s with him and shit supposedly he worked there and was a bit limp wisted..
Jews will not replace us.
He doesn’t hate Jews. It was a stupid lapse in judgment. I’m sure none of the readers leaving comments have ever had a stupid lapse in judgment.
Was blowing a kiss to a student also a lapse in judgement? Why does he quote Mein Kempf to students? Also a lapse in judgement? Sounds like excuses for obnoxious behavior.
How many teachers we have at this school that are a Promblem, I think KUSD and indian trail needs to clean house ……
It’s a huge school there will always be more problems at a large school than a small school. And these few over last couple years Arnt even a fraction of the teachers at this school . There’s alot , they are good teachers and administrators
Isnt there some kind of code of ethics for these teachers ,
this guy looks like a bum
It’s nice that Kevin is giving us news that we would never be privy to, so thank you, KCE! It’s also nice that we air out our grievances in the blogs but realistically no change will occur in here. We have to use our voices and go directly to the source. KUSD admin in on 52nd St. Remind the over priced buffoons in charge that educating students is their number 1 priority! They’re hoping your voice will be kept here in the blogs and not directly in front of them. We won’t truly heal until Dr. “cover my own ass” Weiss is replaced by someone who can actual get rid of bad teachers.
What would anyone expect different of the Kenosha Unified Groomers District?
KUSD is probably the only place that would accept
a non professional look like that, in a supposedly
professional environment.
How dare anyone offend the Jews
They are the chosen people.
Where is the story on the kid who brought fake guns to Roosevelt? Forced to remove it?
Removed nothing
Herr Nachtigal soll seine Sachen packen und abhauen. (Mr. Nightingale should pack his stuff and clear out).
So, in the last few months, here’s a KUSD recap. We’ve got:
1. A groomer math teacher at Bradford High School
2. A Nazi math teacher at Indian Trail that blows kisses to students and speaks about them inappropriately in another language
3. An embezzling cheer coach, also at Indian Trail, who make highly questionable parenting choices.
4. A gun scare at Roosevelt Elementary School.
5. A drunk English teacher at Tremper who received three DUIs and sued the district to close his personnel file
And Neir and Weiss never commenting or enacting any kind of change. What the fuck is wrong with this school district?
And the Tremper teacher who thinks its ok to use the N word. Don’t forget about that guy
Don’t forget the pedo at ktec west too, Enwright.
I hope they sent in comfort dogs and coloring books for all these poor kids who were offended.
Sounds like some of the KUSD admin need to be removed and the teacher as well. How is the acceptable. Most people would be without a job. Like the beads in the facial hair very professional. This is what KUSD hires and supports. It makes all the good teacher out there of which there are many fall into question.
This teacher seems like a dipshit……but really, a Jewish student (meaning her and her parents weren’t even alive during WW2) needed 20 minutes to compose herself? Wow, they really train professional “victims” young these days.
So we’re paying these teachers to be pedophiles this type of things is unacceptable